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Hunting Pictures


Wood Ducks













The Lost Year

Some philosophers define pleasure as the absence of pain, others pain as the absence of pleasure.  I define a long year as the absence of nature, the absence of camaraderie, the absence of the dance of birds at twilight.  Such was the year of September 2007 to August 2008.  Through the exigencies of maturity, the K&R did not hit the field but three - yes only three - times in that year.  The Rooster's experience during this year can be read about on his blog.  This is not unforgivable; you do what you have to do.  The question now becomes: Is it possible to balance the responsibilities of modernity and family with a life of adventure in the field?  Or has The Lost Year irrevocably broken The Will to fight for the bubbles of primal freedom that are represented by hunting and fishing?  Is it too hard?  Is it easier to mow the yard, or watch the game, or any other domestic activity?  Do we still want to tramp around a swamp looking for that group of wood ducks?  Is it still worth reconning all day to have a chance at one grouse?  Do we still want it bad enough?  We will see.  


Geared up for what turned out to the only day of duck hunting in 07.  To make matters worse, there were no ducks a' flying.


It will never be 1999 again, and that is OK.  Times change, priorities change, opportunities contract.  So it is time to embrace every one of those opportunities and savor each moment afield.  And in those terms 2008 waterfowl hunting was a success.  We ended up getting out 3 times and grabbing 1 woodduck and losing one.      


Great shot of a drake woodie taken in the pictured cove.  A group was lounging near that feature in the rear of the cove when we made our approach.  This duck could not escape.


The King making a great stalk into a heavily covered swamp.  There were woodducks lounging and we got one down but, unfortunately, after an exhaustive search, could not locate it.


Always a good day when the WDS makes an appearance.



Hittin the swamp 2009


Nicely colored drake after take down in the swamp.

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