New Catalina 320 Fleet Formed

1.         The first, organizational, meeting of Fleet 8 for the Catalina 320 one design was held at the Carolina Wind Yacht Center in Washington, North Carolina on Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 4:00 pm.  The presiding spokesperson was Karl Mielenhausen, who was also the newly-elected vice-commodore of the national C-320 association.


Attending were the following prospective members: Eric Renaux, Elaine and Karl Mielenhausen, Chris and Linda Carol Burti, Betty and Gray Riddick, Bev and Bill Walker, Jim and Joni Floyd.


2.         The first order of business was the silent reading of the proposed by-laws.  A motion was made by Chris Burti and seconded by Bill Walker to approve the by-laws as written.  The motion was unanimously carried.


3.         The second order of business was the volunteering of officers.  Bill Walker was nominated/volunteered to be Fleet Captain and Karl Mielenhausen was nominated/volunteered to be Assistant Fleet Captain.  Pat and/or Gail Kenefick was/were unanimously elected to the post of secretary/treasurer, subject to their acceptance.


4.         Dues were set at $10.00 per boat per year.


5.         The possibility of getting the national C-320 association to underwrite the cost of burgees was discussed and will be investigated by AFC Mielenhausen.


6.         Future plans for the infant Fleet were tentatively approved: raft-up and convoy sail on October 20.  The Pamlico boats would raft-up behind Indian Island on Friday; the Neuse boats would raft-up in Cedar Creek (?) the same night; both groups would meet in Bonner Bay for Saturday.  Everyone would sail home on Sunday.


7.         The next Fleet meeting was tentatively scheduled to be held at Blackbeard’s Sailing Club in November.  The exact date will be determined by the club’s schedule and availability of the club’s facilities.


8.         The group, by round table discussion,  agreed  that the primary focus of the Fleet  would be cruising and sharing technical information.  The group agrees that they had little interest in racing.      


9.         The round table discussion continued with ideas, information and advice among the members concerning various repairs, upgrades and maintenance issues.  


10.       The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm, with the Mielenhausen’s, Burti’s and Floyd’s going on to Pia’s for dinner. 


Respecfully submitted,

Joni Floyd (temporary substitute recording secretary)

cc: Fleet 8 group;