The following are the minutes of the Catalina 320 Coastal Carolinas Fleet 8 meeting held on Nov. 10, 2007 at Blackbeard Sailing club, New Bern NC.


Attendees:   Gray & Betty Riddick; Bill & MJ Peters; Jim & Joni Floyd; Chris & Linda Carol Burti; Bill & Bev Walker.


Action Items:

1.      All members to email group with list of boat upgrades made and maintenance issues and those upgrades desired to be made.

2.      Gray Riddick to transfer collected 2008 dues to Pat Kenefick.




New officers were elected for 2008. Chris Burti agreed to wear the Captain’s hat and since neither Karl nor Pat were there to defend themselves it was agreed that they should continue to serve in their current positions of Ass’t Captain and Sec./Treas. respectively.


2008 dues were collected. All in attendance are paid in full.


It was agreed that with groups of boats in separate areas it is difficult to get everyone together for an event as has been evidenced this past year.


It was suggested that we target 4 quarterly events to be coordinated by different folks. These events can be anything from a day sail or simply a “meet ‘n eat” with a technical discussion to a rendezvous or raft-up. That would be the decision of whoever coordinated that particular event.

Burti, Peters, Floyd and Riddick agreed to host a quarterly event.


Respectively submitted.


Bill Walker


P.S. If there are corrections or additions to these minutes, please let me know.