Catalina 320 International Association- Fleet 8

Coastal North Carolina Area



The Fleet shall be known as Catalina 320 International Association - Fleet 8


The purpose of Fleet 8 shall be to promote the enjoyment of ownership, sailing, and cruising by:

Coordinating cruising and social activities;

Exchanging information about modifications and upkeep;

Expanding membership in the Catalina 320 International Association; and

Cooperating with other yachting organizations.


A. Regular Member - A Regular Member shall be an owner or a part owner. He/she has the following privileges: holding office, voting, and commanding a Catalina 320 yacht in sanctioned races. There is one membership per boat. Boats owned as a joint venture shall have an identified representative for voting and mailing purposes.

B. Associate Member - An Associate Member is a person who subscribes to the objectives in Article II but does not own a Catalina 320 yacht. This person does not have voting privileges, cannot hold office, but can command a Catalina 320 yacht in sanctioned races.

C. Charter Member - In its organizational phase, a member will be classified as a Charter Member by becoming a paid member in good standing on or before December 31, 2006.


A.    Annual Dues - A Fleet 8 member may be assessed fleet dues based upon the fleet budget.  Initial annual dues are set at $10. Membership year begins on the first day of the month following the date of joining. 

B.    Special Assessments - Special assessments may be made by a vote of a majority of the Regular Members present at any meeting.


A.    General - Officers must be regular members in good standing. The officers of Fleet 8 shall be the Fleet Captain, Asst. Fleet Captain, and Fleet Secretary/Treasurer. The board of directors of the fleet shall consist of the officers and the immediate past Fleet Captain.

B.    Duties

1. Fleet Captain - The Fleet Captain shall preside at all meetings, file an annual year end report with the Association Commodore, appoint committees, establish a budget, approve expenditures, and perform other functions as may be warranted for the proper management of the Fleet. The Fleet Captain shall be in charge of all social events.

2. Asst. Fleet Captain – The Asst. Fleet Captain shall preside at all meetings in the event the Fleet Captain is unable to attend. The Asst. Fleet Captain shall also serve as the Chief Measurer.

3. Fleet Secretary/Treasurer - The Fleet Secretary/Treasurer shall maintain the minutes, history, and Membership Roster. He/She shall distribute ballots, notices of meetings, and maintain the books and records of the Fleet. He/she shall maintain financial records, collect dues (if appropriate), deposit and disperse funds based upon the budget or approval of the fleet Board of Directors.


A. Nominating Committee - A two person Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Fleet Captain. The recommendations of the nominating committee and notice of the fleet annual meeting shall be sent to all members at least thirty (30) days in advance by either the Fleet Secretary. Nominations may also be received from the floor at the annual meeting. No nominations shall be presented without the consent of the nominee. Officers and Directors will serve for one year and will assume their duties effective each October 1.

B. Election - The nominee for each office with the greatest number of votes shall be elected.


A.    Annual Meeting – A fleet annual meeting shall be held by October 1.

B.    General Meetings - Meetings of the general membership may be called as necessary by the Fleet Captain. Notice must be sent to all members of the Fleet at least ten (10) days prior to any general membership meeting by the Fleet Secretary.

C.    Board of Directors' Meetings - Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the Fleet Captain as necessary.


A. Board of Directors – Three (3) officers/directors shall constitute the Board of Directors. A simple majority vote shall be required to pass a motion or approve an expenditure.

 B. General Membership - A majority of votes of the regular members present in good standing shall be required to elect or pass a motion.  There shall be one vote allowed for each Catalina 320-member yacht and in case of a tie vote, the Fleet Captain shall cast the deciding vote. Voting by mail and/or email shall be allowed. The Fleet Captain must receive the ballots prior to the meeting in order to be counted.


A.    Safety - Members and guests attending Fleet 8 activities shall agree to operate their yachts in a safe manner at all times. The decision of whether or not to participate in an event and the decision whether or not to start or continue in an activity is the sole responsibility of the member and not that of any person sponsoring or undertaking such activity. Members should inform all crew and guests of their responsibility to sail safely.

B.    Annual Inspection - All members are encouraged to inspect their yachts annually to insure that they meet or exceed the United States Coast Guard safety standards.


Any officer, director, or member may be suspended or expelled by a two-third vote of the membership present for conduct or action deemed prejudicial or injurious to the Fleet.


Any regular member may propose a change to the Bylaws. If approved by the Board of Directors, the Fleet Secretary/Treasurer shall send a copy of the proposal to all members at least twenty (20) days in advance of it being put to a final vote at the annual meeting. To be adopted, the proposal must be approved by two-thirds of the votes cast by regular members either in person or by mail.


Adopted:  23 September 2006