Prop Shaft Zincs


Godfrey (sp?) seems to think they have the best zincs in the world. I dunno, perhaps. At twice the price, I'd rather put two WestMarine
Zincs on instead.

So... I install  2  zincs on my prop shaft in case I have a particularly nasty problem with nearby boats.    You may find that you have to torque them
down pretty tight.  Usually helps to "gently" hammer a bit on them after they seem tight.  You'll find you can then tighten them up some more.

Use the ones that are kinda "egg" shaped rather than the doughnut or square ones...

Also,   keep the zincs at least 6-8" in front of the Strut so you don't block water flow through the cutlass bearing..   Maybe this is a wives tale, but
"what the heck...".  Sounds plausible...  :)


At 05:21 p 04/10/03 -0400, you wrote:
>It's a one inch shaft. I've found there is no difference between the various zincs available in this part of the world. Sometimes you will see zinc in
>metric sizes. In that case use a 25mm zinc