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Dec 25, 2005

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Sunday, December 25, 2005


Riding The Wave
Category: Life

It's the little things that make the difference. Whatever the monumental sacrifices or seemingly unreachable goals in our lives, much of our success depends on how we view ourselves. Regarding crossroads in our lives, nothing seems to propel us to success or lack of, quite like the emotions of fear or love. It boils down to those two things. What do I fear and what do I love? What will I revolt against and what will be embraced? What am I  willing or unwilling to do?

On my way home from Dallas today, I was listening to a CD that Luke had sent me several months ago. One of the songs on the CD was about the importance of the little things in life. These lyrics in turn reminded me of a slogan that my brother uses at his site, "Life is in the details". As I reached for a cup this morning to pour my french pressed coffee, I noticed my cup had on the side "love is in the details".

Riding the wave - staying on top as long as you possibly can. WILLING that wave to continue and not break would do nothing to the wave. The wave is a natural cause and effect law. Living in the now allows us to utililze all of the potential elements at our immediate disposal, but as my cousin pointed out, what I decide in the now - can affect my future. There is no arguing with that. So, we have to treat life sort of like we were in a band. We sing or play or instrument, while we keep our ears keen to the sounds around us. The rid my head of clutter seems to be the only way that I will be able to really listen and be a good "band" member.

Some of the most loving things that happened to me today were through conversations. One of these conversations was with my brother's wife. This conversation occurred in passing. I was about to change clothes and asked to use the master bath. Of course, she said. I told her as I looked into the mirror, I look horrific! (or something as gawd-awful as that) and she just smiled. It was a knowing smile. One that made me want to open up and tell her that I know I look beat up. And she asked, Is it stress? And I said, Yeah, I think so. I've had a lot of headaches lately. And she said, Maybe you should try Yoga. Maybe it's because you have been focusing on the things that make you feel beat up and this will help you have some structure and balance in your life. I said, Well, as much as I don't like structure, what I've been doing so far has me looking like this, so I shouldn't have any reservations in trying something diffferent. It might actually work.

When my pain becomes too great sometimes, thats when I give up and slow down and listen to the voice of guidance.

I have run from structure and balance most of my life. I think at times it was completely unintentional, but other times, I felt myself choose the road less traveled. It usually ended up at a dead end and I had to turn around. I'm exhausted now. I need to collapse and let my wounds heal. My emotions are raw and if I were the type of animal that literally licked their wounds, I would. But these wounds are not lickable. They are deep inside. Although it does manifest itself in puffiness around the eyes, lethargy and sore muscles, especially around the neck. Not lickable.

But I believe there is a balm that can be applied if I will simply collapse and lie still. Just breathe. And listen to my heart. I want to reconnect with myself. I miss me.

Over the next few days, I will take the advice of Armando and now my brother's, who have mentioned that I use blogs from three months back to end the old year. I will treat these as recaps as to the progress I've made and I will offer some of these blogs as ones I most relate or have more pride in. These blogs will show me where I started in my emotional healing and provide a basis for me to compare where I am now. It will prepare me for what I hope will be a healing year for many of us. 2006.

This unrest that I have felt lately could be the culmination of the many emotions that I have shared over these past few months. It could be that I am bound for a train wreck if I don't take heed of my stock or it could mean that I am about to experience an epiphany.

Ah, 2006! Bring it on!

9:25 PM - 24 Comments - 26 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

David Leeson

I'm glad you found this space so we could share our space together. I'm also pleased you found your "other" voice and a creative outlet through writing. It's been a blessing to all.

Posted by David Leeson on Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 9:32 PM
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And I do love that Christmas pic! Very nice. Let me see, I wonder who took that with her new camera? ;-) I had a blast over Christmas with all. And thank you for introducing me to this forum. Love and kisses - sistoh

Posted by Chaotic_Structure on Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 9:35 PM
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Bring it on is right!..Dear Deb, you always put into words the very emotions by which I am being overwhelmed .  I feel the need to hurry through everything so i can get to........????.....Could it possibly be Me, I'm looking for?  Rushing through the days and nights hoping to finally find......? Me?  Is it possible I miss me?  Lord, yes.

I am  sooo ready for 2006...I hope it's ready for me! xxoo

Posted by Elaine on Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 9:47 PM
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It sounds to me like you are ready, girlfriend! And we'll meet it head on like gangbusters. I'm so glad that you found some connection with the blog. It is exactly where I am today. And knowing that you are too, makes it seem a little less of a burden. In fact, it's down right inspiring. :-) Look out, 2006 - here we come!

Posted by Chaotic_Structure on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 12:47 AM
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Old Women in a Shoe

Yoga.................Yes...........Please do it.

Give it a month.  I started with A.M. P.M. Yoga for beginners.  Unless you have done Yoga already.  It was 12 minutes in the morning and about 20 minutes at night.

Relaxation, centering and meditation.   It took me on a journey of self discovery and this is how I started writing.   It got me through some of the toughest moments Ive had in the past few months.  It gives you the ability to relax, which helps you see things more clearly and then make more rational peaceful decisions.  If you read my recent blogs of the past week they get more stressed?  I havent done Yoga this week.  
Give it a try, its not a cure all but it will give you a tool to help yourself.


Posted by Old Women in a Shoe on Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 9:50 PM
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I have a gym one block away - a 3 minute walk, from my townhome. I was thinking that if I were to do this with others in the beginning that I might stay more motivated. It will be a challenge for me to stick to a committment such as this, 'cause I love my alone time after work, but like I said, What do I have to loss - except STRESS! lol


Posted by Chaotic_Structure on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 12:49 AM
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My dearest have hit the nail square on the head.  If you follow the same path I do (and so far, including French pressed coffee, you do!!) you will find an epiphany just around the corner.  I have not gone back and read all your blogs.  I should do that.  I think I will see what your brother and Armando have both seen.

I know I look forward to the new year with a great deal of excitement.  If I were negative, I'd say it could certainly not be any worse.  But I am not.  I am VERY positive - and I say, it can only get better and better!!!

I love you and appreciate you, Deb, more than I think you know. 

Posted by Maggie on Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 9:52 PM
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Maggie, you make me feel like a million bucks. Thanks girlfriend - from the heart. And yes, I think we have a sister connection. And that makes me very happy. Love you too! xo - deb

Posted by Chaotic_Structure on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 12:51 AM
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One year ago, as a neophyte on MySpace, I met a young native woman who has been as a sister to me. She is connected to the generations, something that is important to our people *you are our people also*..  After one particularly nasty trip to the emergency room, I was feeling very beat up, feeling my depression, she sent me a passage from a story that I knew all too well, it was a story that I had read to my children over and over in "better days"... this is the excerpt that she wanted me to hang onto, and in many ways, it has pulled me through some tough times..

"Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."  from The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams

becoming the passage

I thank God for my loose button eye, loose joints and my split seams.. nothing can hurt me now, for I have become real...

You are a real woman, and a real beautiful woman with a spirit that shines brighter than a thousand suns...


Posted by Atsil'-dihye'g on Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 9:55 PM
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Armando - to have you write these words to me, means more to me than you can know. I deeply appreciate you and all of the kindness that you have shown me. And thank you for opening up yourself and sharing your life, your loves and your sadness, your joy and your precious family. Thank you from the heart. xo - deb

Posted by Chaotic_Structure on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 12:54 AM
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In the short time that I have followed your writing, I have seen a deeper sense of self that you have shared in your words. I think life is what we choose; that we can manifest our greatest fears or our greatest adventures. So give your wounds time to heal. Let your imagination soar. And dream the dreams that you have never allowed yourself to truely dream. Then set yourself free ... that epiphany will be waiting for you just around the corner.

Posted by scott.kesterson on Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 10:12 PM
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Thank you Scott. How kind of you to say this to me. I have so enjoyed your blogs. You are quite the writer. It has been my pleasure to have made your acquaintance and I look forward to extending our friendship into 2006. Blessings to you. deb

Posted by Chaotic_Structure on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 12:55 AM
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You and I must be yearning for that same epiphany. I believe that I am well on my way to mine and you have taken the first big step towards yours, which is the determination  to find and love the REAL you.
 The real you is the person you've always been, but the person you've not allowed yourself to know.
 I guess what I mean by that is that we always yearn to be someone other than who we are....
.....we're never "good enough" or "smart enough", or "rich enough"...etc...
..... or so we think....
......until one day we arrive at the conclusion that we're still not happy or fulfilled and when we search for the reasons why, we realize how out of touch we are with our true selves.
Here's to 2006 and discovering the uniquely splendid individuals we are, and to learning to love and appreciate our inner beauty.
 It is then that we will be REAL.
...and that my friend, will be really great!!!

Posted by "ALL THE KICK-ASS GIRLS HAVE RED HAIR" on Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 10:17 PM
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Jane, your words have caused me to think that perhaps the real person is who I've always been but was afraid to let others know. I was wondering if others would reject me for being true to myself and then what could I offer. Nothing except a big guessing game. So, perhaps we will receive that epiphany together. But whether it's one or the other, we will rejoice together. love ya, deb

Posted by Chaotic_Structure on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 12:58 AM
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I vote for epiphany time.

Some epiphanies are good, Deb.  Ride THAT wave, too.   :)

Posted by BlackArawn on Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 11:14 PM
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YES! A resounding yes to that, Troy. And thank you for dropping by. I appreciate the visit and the comment. :-) Happy New Year, buddy-boy!

Posted by Chaotic_Structure on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 12:58 AM
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Tzar Bad Boy

I have this bio feed back device on my computer called a Freeze Framer from the Heart Math Corp (anybody interested can find it through Google).  The theory behind it is the heart is the body's oscillator and there are health benefits to getting the heart in sync with the body’s other organs.  Through controlled breathing and visualizing nice things, you can go from chaotic rhythms to coherent rhythms.  I was telling this to a girl half my age and she said, “Oh, a three hundred dollar mood ring.”


There's a sensing device that plugs into the USB port in my computer.  The sensor has a little Velcro strip.  I wrap it around the end of my schlong, sit before my computer and smile.  Life is good.


(Is there a point to this?  Yes.  Humor heap-good medicine.)


The Tzar.  

Posted by Tzar Bad Boy on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 8:00 AM
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I must check this program out. It sounds fascinating. I have used bio-rhythm software before but not this one. Thanks for the info on this Alex. And thank you for your visit. I appreciate your comments very much! xo-deb

Posted by Chaotic_Structure on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 11:38 AM
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 And I look forward to your new blogs!

It's funny, I thought- that you seem to blog so regularly. It's 'structure' to me...



Posted by Jennzirra on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 5:11 PM
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Hey! I like that idea! I must be getting better. I actually blog daily! Thanks, Jen. I feel better now. ;-)

Posted by Chaotic_Structure on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 5:32 PM
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Ya know..You never cease to surprise me with your writes. It's almost like when you write like this, you seem to hit the nail on the head. I totally appreciate your post!Later Melody

Posted by Melody on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 5:52 PM
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Just trying to survive with a little positiveness. I'm glad that it hit home. Thanks, Mel.

Posted by Chaotic_Structure on Monday, December 26, 2005 at 8:05 PM
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An epiphany, yes. That is what I will choose to experience also. This is a good blog cuz.

The balm is much needed for me also. I think it is a mixture of spiritual and emotional healing that is necessary in order to find that place in life that flows. I also believe that each of us must have a different formula for that balm. I pray you will find yours this coming year. I know you also pray for me.

Thank you for being who you are to me. You are my dear and precious cousin and friend.

Love, tep

Posted by aoife_zoe on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 at 9:17 AM
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Yes, we will help each other along our chosen paths and be glad that we are still alive and have another chance to make today count for something other than ourselves. Finding the balm includes others. Because it when we learn to love others that we begin to love ourselves. And vicey-versy - ;-) Love you too, Cuz!

Posted by Chaotic_Structure on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 at 9:56 AM
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