Want to know what has been going on the past few weeks in Washington in regard to the Education Agency?
Read these:
Christian Coalition Praises Senate
Keep an Eye on Washington - Just how well are you being represented? Go to this link to find out.
Want to know where to write your representatives, congressmen and senators about it?
Take Action here. (Because if you think it's bad now, wait till the powers that be rob the public schools' money and give it to the private schools.)
State and Local Government on the Net
Please, take action and make a stand against the movement to take away the funding for many worthwhile educational projects.
Want to see a list of the top 50 campaign contributors? This is rather eye-opening.
Front Page for the Link below:
Classroom Discipline: I'd like to introduce you to a new education topic area that has been added this week to Suite 101. Some of you may be familiar with Thomas Robertson, who started a Newsletter, entitled, Fun Music Ideas. Go by and welcome Thomas as the newest Education Editor here at Suite 101.
God bless and thanks for everything you do for the future of the children and their educational experiences.
Special thanks go to Steve Jeter for his help in locating some of these resources and for the comments he added in the section: What's been going on in Washington. Thanks, Steve. :-D
Next week, I will cover the various ceremonial music used for many occasions that enhance our lives and feed our hearts, enliven our spirits.
The editor for this article has retired from Suite 101. If you wish to contact her, you may reply here.
Over worked and under paid, but that's not the problem!
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