If you are interested in finding out what YOUR learning style is, then continue reading and I'll point you to a couple of sites that could reveal some helpful information.
Mind Tools offers shareware called Life Plan. This program will help you to set goals and create practical steps in acquiring these goals. This could be a very helpful program for some, but as for me, I'm not motivated by goal setting or lists. I'm motivated by deadlines and hysteria. :-)
Have a big decision that you need to make, such as, whether or not you should return to teaching in the fall or buy that sailboat and skip the teaching. "Mind Tools" will give you some ideas to help you sift through the emotions and approach things logically. Tools offered are "How to make a Decision Tree", tips for "Brainstorming", "Reductionism", "SWOT Analysis", which is, analyzing your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and lots more.
Another good site is West Ed Learning Styles.
The learning styles are as follows: (Go to the site to find out what your optimal learning needs are.)
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Different Strokes for Different Folks: (Learning Styles)
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