Ecology A to Z - This "encyclopedia" will be a useful resource for school and public libraries and for science teachers who have classroom ready-reference collections. Fleisher defines words and phrases related to ecology and to humankind's interaction with the environment, including entries on places where significant ecological damage has occurred.
Here are some organizations that will send you free packets to use in your classrooms.
Try this:
An outdoor activity for your students. They will love this game and it's very easy to prepare. The instructions and materials needed can be found in this discussion. The outdoor Ecology Game.
Here's an Environmental Extravaganza offered to you from some of the editors here at Suite 101.
Bill Oliver's Environmental Lesson Plans
Save the Animals, Save the Earth - Some of these songs are offered in Finnish.
Lydia Adams Davis and her Eco Trio
Songs for Environmental Education
Now, here's a creative thought: How about some Earth Day Groceries!?
In closing: Food for thought:
Once there was a wise old man. He was so wise he could answer any question anyone ever asked him, no matter how difficult. One day, two young people were talking and they said, "We're going to fool that old man. We'll catch a bird, and go to the old man, and say, 'This that we hold in our hands today, is it alive or is it dead?' If he says 'Dead,' we'll turn it loose and let it fly, and if he says 'Alive,' we'll crush it."
So they caught a bird, and they carried it to that old man, and they said, "This that we hold
Earth Day Activities
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