Songs to Soothe the Savage Breast
Deborah Jeter
In this time where school violence has become so prevalent, an educator begins to wonder if there is more that can be done to soothe the "savage" within us. Fine Arts does that very thing better than any other resource. Music and art can awaken in us those kinder, gentler ways with which we are all born. Music can build bridges, mend broken ones and create a communication between diverse personalities and cultures. It is the violent acts of our youth of late that prodded me to think of various types of peaceful interventions. It is the reason I have asked this week's guest writer, Didi Ananda Paramita, who is a missionary in India and a master teacher of Yoga, to lend us some of her knowledge and experience in mantras and chants. At the bottom of the page, there are a list of sites that offer other forms of peace making and attitude altering resources.
Ancient Teachings from India
We see today that there is an increasing tendency to nervousness and violence in the youth which stems from many causes. One of these causes, in my opinion, is related to the amount and kind of activities in which the youngsters and teen-agers are involved.
Life is becoming more and more artificial and superficial, day by day. Therefore, for the betterment and education of humanity, there needs to be a rediscovery of the art of repose and inner peace, which seems to have been lost.
There are two aspects of life:
The first is that man is tuned by his surroundings.
The second is that man can tune himself, in spite of his surroundings.
The latter is the work of the mystic. Through the help of music, the mystic tunes themselves to the sphere where they wish to be, as the yogis do. Therefore, the beginning of music in India was at the time of Shiva (the king of Yogis).
The most important and valuable thing about the music of the ancient people from India, which has greatly benefited humanity, was that they distinguished the different aspects of music. They came to realize that there was a certain way of expressing the tone, rhythm and idea, which brought about a greater emotion or inner inclination towards peace.
This science formed in itself a special psycho-spiritual science that is called kiirtan (an important part of Yoga based on the constant repetition of a special sound - "mantra" - that is sung).
As to the power of the words, a new idea is coming from various places under different names. It is the repetition of a certain word or phrase that is of great help in curing oneself of certain illness, whether physical or psychic. Like the Hindus, who have preserved their old sacred mantras and chants, even if the language (samskrt) is extinct, because of their awareness of the power of those special sounds.
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If one can focus one's heart on spiritual music, the rhythm which regulates all body and mind functions, they will be restored. The joy of life depends upon the perfect tuning of body, mind and spirit.
During Kiirtan we use a mantra in Samsktra, which has a deep spiritual meaning:
BABA NAM KEVALAM which literally means, "Only the name of my most Beloved One" and the ideation of this mantra is "Everywhere I look, in everything I feel, hear, taste, smell, I perceive that Supreme Consciousness which pervades all things."
Kiirtan has many benefits:
It prepares the mind for meditation by focusing it on Cosmic thoughts and dispersing disturbing thoughts. Through the clearing of the mind, one can find solutions to problems much more easily. After Kiirtan, many people sing and dance together and the spiritual force that is created prevents and removes afflictions and calamities.
Children love chanting mantras:
Their group energy is focused and they are tremendously uplifted when the whole class creates a unified vibration through the sound of kiirtan. I've seen little babies keeping their concentration even longer then one half-hour through the life of the songs. During a lecture given at a university, over 200 students attending the class joined in, without hesitation, and the singer leading the kiirtan commented that, "It was the best part of the lecture."
What is so wonderful about spiritual music is that it helps man to concentrate or meditate independently of thought. It creates that resonance which vibrates through out the whole being, lifting the thought above the denseness of matter. It almost turns matter into spirit, into its original condition, through the harmony of vibrations touching every atom of one's whole being. The deeper one sees into life, the wider life opens itself to one and every moment becomes more full of wonder and splendour.
"Kiirtan touches the core of the human heart. Followers of most religions do kiirtan. The only reason for such large -cale popularity is that kiirtan arouses the soft spiritual sentiments in a person. Behind kiirtan is blissful ideation. This ideation blossoms into flower the softest feeling of the human heart lying so deep within them in bud form. Kiirtan awakens the human feelings and transports a person into great bliss. Kiirtan fills one's life and satisfies all wants." Quoted from Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji
For more information regarding yoga, meditation, spiritual music and individual instructions for personal mantra and asanas, please refer to her website.
Learn Meditation Today
Other links of Interest
Blues for Peace - Blues Music, Blues Mp3, Blues Video, Blues Lyrics, Blues Photo's, Blues Heroes and more. Worth the visit if you are looking for some blues.
Anger Management - "Controlling the Volcano Within" is a comprehensive newsletter about anger and anger management." (See the Sections on Trauma, Dissociation and recognizing the symptoms).
Read what Family has to say about preventing violence from developing in your child. There are additional articles in developing strategies and techniques to communicate and understand your child better are extremely informative for parents and teachers alike.
Inner Peace Music This site offers music to nurture your body, mind and spirit. Experience the award-winning music of Steven Halpern, the pioneering artist, whose music has touched the lives of millions. The information you can obtain here could be life-changing and is well worth the visit.
There is a way that we can impact our future towards being peace seekers and peace makers. It begins with each of us. If this is important to you, make a difference through your actions and your words. Think before speaking, let time wash away the anger and hate and open up your hearts to love and peaceful interaction.
Next article is targeted towards KIDS. School begins soon for many and if this thought has given you the "blues" then the next article is especially for you. Till then, Peace to You.
"My Attitude, Not my Aptitude effects my Altitude among the Multitude." - the Rhino Lady