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Deborah Jeter
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ARTSEDGE provides quality educational content, not just links. One of these quality educational areas is there music lessons and unit plans. You can navigate to the lesson plans and units, by clicking on the section called, "Subject Area Resources".

There are more resources at ARTSEDGE than I can cover in the detail it deserves, but suffice to say, if you want information about the MENC, the Opera, IAJE and, in general, Internet resources for the music teacher, ArtsEdge is a wonderful launching pad!

One of the pages in the Curriculum Studio section, offers many wonderful ideas for integrating the arts into lesson plans.

The Web Spotlight offers a section "For Students" which is enlightening in terms of how beautiful the world can be when viewed with an artistic eye. All the more reason to have a strong fine arts program as a part of every school district around the world.

The Young Artist's Index showcases some of the best of talented children in America.

ARTSEDGE's Community Center might be of particular interest to those of you in wanting information on the archives of ARTSEDGE's Music Edcuation Virtual Conference. Another part of the Community Center gives information on the ARTSEDGE's listserv.

In closing, I'd like to point you to the advocacy page located in the Advocacy and Funding section, where you will find the Eloquent Evidence page. "Science will . . . produce the data . . .

but never the full meaning. For perceiving real significance, we shall need . . . most of all the brains of poets, [and] also those of artists, musicians, philosophers, historians, writers in general."

Lewis Thomas, Scientist

"Creative activity is also a source of joy and wonder, while it bids its students to touch and taste and hear and see the world. Children are powerfully affected by storytelling, music, dance, and the visual arts. They often construct their understanding of the world around musical games, imaginative dramas and drawing."

Be enriched, become enlivened, benefit the world and yourself, support the ARTS. Join Us!

Special thanks for suggesting this article's subject matter go to a faithful Suite 101 Music Education subscriber and cyber-friend, Karen Stafford.

The editor for this article has retired from Suite 101. If you wish to contact her, you may reply here.

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4.   November 1, 1997 8:46 AM
Hi, David, definitely "Here's goes SOMETHING!"
You should find some extremely wonderful "somethings" through-out the site.

Good to hear from you and Happy ARTSEDGE surfing!

Glad you liked the ...

-- posted by Deborah_Jeter

3.   October 31, 1997 9:19 PM
Deborah - Thanks for including a nice quote from Lewis Thomas. He's one of my favorites. I almost don't know where to begin with the Artsedge site as you've laid it open to view. I'm already intimi ...

-- posted by DavidS_9

2.   October 31, 1997 4:50 PM
You are welcome!! Happy Halloween too! Happy Halloween to all!!

Deborah Jeter
Suite 101 - Music Education

-- posted by Deborah_Jeter

1.   October 30, 1997 4:45 PM
Karen Stafford
You done good! There's so much to that site that I haven't even fully investigated, like the Teacher's Lounge. It's like the'll take days just to take advantage of ...

-- posted by Susie_Q

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