c) The track of tradition classic guitar has been proven and it suggesting many windows notes, tempo, sounds, dynamics, periods, form of music etc.
d) All guitar styles are legitimate.
Part Two: Drawing the conclusions or Talking with your guitar pupil.
All of the upper notes, should not concern or interest a brand new guitar beginner. A school boy that has made up his mind to try to play the guitar HAS A VISION or INSPIRATION that at this starting point drives him towards the guitar.
Teachers must respect this starting point! We usually don't even know the reason why he or she is asking to study the guitar, in most cases, it is a deep personal reason from their personal experiences, such as: loving some one that plays guitar, identification of oneself with an idol, social reinforcement in the classroom or with friends...etc. The arguments for love of the guitar or music are coming next.
We should be very cautious about how we communicate with a beginner. I am never rash about jumping into a fixed and constant method.
Our first guitar lessons are used for a lot of talking. I find it most exciting and interesting to carry on an open conversation. It is extremely important for me to understand the new pupil's point of view and their ideas. It is true that one can't expect to "hear it all" on the first lesson, but if you can establish an open atmosphere at your meetings, it generally comes out... gradually, but it comes. This will help you to pursue an appropriate and suitable method for this 'unique' guitar pupil.
As teachers we have the rights to direct our students, but this directing should take into account the pupil's personality and expectations. More over, the pupils expectations and inspirations can be a very important element to develop that important stage of communication between the student and ourselves.
Classical Guitar: The Collective Approach
The New Music Educational Project in Hebrew
N. Lahav Guitar site in English
Studio for Guitar:
Tel/fax: 972 6 6429756
Kibbutz Mizra, Israel 19312
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