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Private Lessons

© Deborah Jeter
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instruction where tradition and technology meet in harmony." You'll play simple pieces from the first day!

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So you want to be a Rock and Roll star?
Applause Music: Careers in Music Learn how to start an exciting career in the music and entertainment production touring industry! We cover it all, from performing and artist management to sound, light, and technical production.

Video Guitar Lessons

Another Site on Learning to Play by Video

Singing the Distance - Love to Sing? Here's the site for you.

Jim Sutton Institute of Guitar An International Guitar Correspondence School.

Easy Piano

Vocal Directory

Download some Music Software to brush up your techniques or learn some new ones.

Next week, there is a special guest editor who will tell you about a very successful guitar program he has started in Israel. Don't miss it.

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Here's the follow-up discussion on this article: View all related messages

6.   October 25, 1999 10:32 PM
Key Connections for Canadian piano teachers and students at

-- posted by Pia

5.   June 5, 1998 11:19 PM
Thanks for the link. I visited it and I liked it. :-)

About the surfin' for ya, that's what cybersisters are for. :-)

We still haven't had our chat. We need to slow down long enough to do that. ...

-- posted by Deborah_Jeter

4.   June 5, 1998 4:56 PM
Karen Stafford
Editor, Flutes and Flute Playing
Hey, there! I'm sending you the URL for another teach yourself piano site, although that doesn't answer the question as to who's taught themselves mu ...

-- posted by Susie_Q

3.   June 1, 1998 9:22 AM
Thanks, Theresa! I'm really glad that you're going to pursue your musical aspirations. The Internet has opened up to us a variety of arenas in which to do that very thing.

I have given this some t ...

-- posted by Deborah_Jeter

2.   June 1, 1998 8:56 AM
Deborah, I love your Music Discussion area!! This is really great! I'm going to explore some of the sites you've listed shortly. I am especially interested in the vocal improvement area. I am a self ...

-- posted by Theresa_C

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