Services For McManus Held This Morning
Deceased Was Oldest Man in Preemption Neighborhood;
Celebrated His 98th Birthday, Mar. 17
Funeral services for Patrick McManus, 98 years old, who passed
away at the home of his son, John, near Preemption Sunday, March 31,
1935, following a short illness, were conducted from the home at 9:30
this morning. At 10 o’clock requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev.
J. H. Callahan, assistant rector of St. Catherine’s parish.
Was 98 Years Old
Mr. McManus was the oldest citizen of the Preemption
neighborhood if not the oldest in the entire county. He celebrated
his 98th birthday Sunday, March 17.
He was the oldest living charter member of St. Joseph's Catholic
church. He was born in Ireland, in Gransum, County Moneghan, March 17,
1837. He worked for a number of years during his youth as a shoemaker’s
apprentice and then came to America to follow the shoemaker’s trade
with his brother, Larry.
They settled in Preemption and Mr. McManus has spent the
remainder of his life in this county.
On Oct. 17, 1863, Mr. McManus was married to Miss Mary Lucas in
Rock Island. Four children were born to them, of whom one died in
infancy. Surviving are Mrs. Will Mack, of Taylor Ridge; Frank and John
of Preemption and a number of grand and great-grandchildren.
(Aledo Times Record, April 3, 1935, p. 1)
McManus Funeral services for Patrick McManus, age 98,
were held at 10:00 o'clock, Wednesday morning at St. Joseph's Catholic
church southeast of Reynolds. Requiem high mass was celebrated by Father
J. H. Callahan of Aledo, Father Rohret of Davenport and Father Jordan of
Alexis. Six grandsons, Joseph Mack and Charles, Leo, Leroy, Lawrence and
Marcus McManus, acted as pallbearers and interment was made in St.
Joseph's cemetery.
Among those present at the largely attended funeral were Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Vanderpluym and Thomas O'Brien and wife from near Creston, Iowa.
Death came to the aged man at about 8:00 o'clock on Sunday
evening after an illness of several weeks at the home of his son, John
McManus, of Preemption. Among others who survive are another son, Frank
L. McManus, of Preemption and a daughter, Mrs. William P. Mack, of Taylor Ridge.
Born in County Monaghan, Ireland, on March 17, 1837, he came to
the United States at age 21. Arriving in Mercer county in 1860, he
established a shoe cobbling shop in Preemption village.
On Oct. 17, 1863, he was married to Miss Mary Lucas who died on
Dec. 3, 1906. Retiring from the shoe business, he became eventually one
of the largest landowners in Preemption.
Since giving up active work on the farm, he made his home with
his son John and family.
For several years he had the distinction of being the only
charter member living of St. Joseph's church. Mr. McManus lived a useful
life and had the respect and esteem of all who knew him.
(Reynolds Press, April 5, 1935)
Patrick McManus
Preemption, Ill. March 16, -- (Special) --
Patrick McManus of near Preemption will observe his 94th birthday
tomorrow at the home of his son, John McManus, with whom he makes his
home. He was born in Gransun county Monghan, Ireland, March 17, 1837.
He came to this country when a young man with his brother Larry,
who was killed during the Civil war, and came directly to Preemption,
where he has spent his entire life. For several years he worked as a
shoemaker. In 1871 he moved to a farm in Preemption township.
On Oct. 17, 1863, he married Miss Mary Lucas of Rock Island. Four
children were born to this union, three of whom are living, Mrs. Will
Mack of Taylor Ridge, Frank of Reynolds and John of Preemption.
For one of his age Mr. McManus enjoys good health, although his
sight and hearing are impaired to some extent. Mr. McManus is the oldest
resident of Preemption township and is the only living charter member of
the St. Joseph Catholic church. (1931) |