Pedigree Chart Index

This list contains one pedigree chart representing the families of each of the children of Daniel Mack and John Mack. Daniel and John are the two children of John and Bridget Mack having descendants.
NameChildren of Daniel Mack (1842-1921)
 & Katherine O'Dea (1844-1915)
Stephen Eugene McCann John Watson Mack (1866-1934)
Richard Raymond Mack Daniel Mack (1868-1924)
Richard Anthony (Tony) Mack Thomas Franklin Mack (1869-1944)
Lawrence Patrick Mack William Patrick Mack (1876-1943)
Anna Marie Mack Edward Alban Mack (1882-1960)
Paul Edward Mack Michael Henry Mack (1884-1955)
Name Children of John Mack (1847-1926)
 & Mary L. Keleher (1853-1883)
Cheral Jean Mack James Ignatius Mack (1874-1928)
James Richard Mack John Michael Mack (1875-1954)
Carol Jean Mack Thomas Edward Mack (1881-1952)