Equinox, Part 2 Prod #: ST:VOY 921

Synopsis: Capt. Janeway must fight constant attack by an alien horde; Capt. Ransom escapes with the Doctor and Seven of Nine.

MJC Review:

The Drama -

What a great way to start off the season -- a starfleet captain hunting down a fellow starfleet captain. There is no worse betrayal, then being betrayed by one of your own. Makes good drama. Perhaps "Thou shalt not betray one of thy own." should have been the first commandment of the bible (christian version). Needless to say, Janeway took this betrayal with a serious grudge! She even relieved her own first officer of duty for disagreeing with her (of course, he gets reinstated at the end of the episode) and nearly wrecked her own ship! I guess in the 24th century, when a human turns savage, especially a human starfleet officer (apparently by lack of sonic showers and replicated food), something WILL be done about it AND at ALL costs!!

Tid Bits -

I was amazed (sarcastically) that Ransom took Seven hostage. After all, Seven is a blonde with big hooters. You don't see them capturing Nelix, do you? Judging from the condition of their ship, I think that they could use a cook more so than a sex symbol. In any case, Seven did do her job in disabling the Equinox's enhanced warp dive.

What it all means -

When all is said and done, Janeway gets the bad guy (who actually turns out to be the Equinox's first officer) and Ransom finds his humanity and redeems himself buy self sacrifice. The chase has definitely strained the relationship between Janeway and crew. It will be interesting to see how (or if) the writers play this one out.

4 cool peace signs

