What the readers say:


Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 23:46:10 -0400 (EDT)
From: bobatrek@aol.com

<< After all, this IS his child! Where's the parental instinct? Where's
the extreme protectiveness? Where's the real "motherhood" in all this? >>

Actually, no... If you will remember, only the mother's genitic material was
used and Tucker was only a host...

Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 07:16:22 -0500
From: Denise Inglis <sinalco@swbell.net>

And let's not forget that he was more or less "raped."

Is it just me or is there more beefcake in this series than in VOY?

I was all for getting rid of the Vulcan stick woman after the pilot, but she
kinda grows on you. I was a little annoyed at the continuing T&A factor in
"Enterprise." Then I thought, "Who am I kidding? There's always been T&A
in Star Trek. In fact you can't spell sTAr Trek without it!

And as for the theme song...eh...it's different anyway.

So far I'm giving Enterprise a thumbs up.

Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 08:53:33 -0500
From: NuQ <NuQ@DELETEtheinternet.cc>

> Well, the story was a great idea, but the writing showed
> signs of only being half-way thought through. Trinneer did do
> some good acting on being a pregnant male, but I strongly
> feel that there should have been more of a dramatic focus on
> Tucker's feelings and emotions has he went through the
> pregnancy. After all, this IS his child!

No, it wasn't. They pointed that out by saying the male was just the host.
The baby was all the female's.

> Where's the parental
> instinct? Where's the extreme protectiveness? Where's the
> real "motherhood" in all this?

I think they addressed this. This was the part where he was all concerned
about the lift having the rails too high and a child could fall out. And
the rails came to close to something else and fingers could easily get  caught.

Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 08:54:36 -0500
From: Sheldon Cuff <sheldoncuff@home.com>

And of course Mean Joe Cool truely KNOWS the ravages of Motherhood Pregnant
Syndrome why else would he say that our writers need to research the topic
and think it through more.

Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 20:00:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Timothy W. Lynch <tlynch@alumni.caltech.edu>

>think of these things. Does anyone know if Berman and
>Braga have kids? Oh, wait! They're still kids. ;) Yes, there

Don't know about Braga, but Berman's got at least three. Just FYI.

MJC Trek Reviews