Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 03:35:58
From: "Alric Knebel" <>
Luckily for me, I taped this episode so I was able to rewind and
go over the vague parts. I have to admit I found it a bit
confusing, as the episode began with a lot of stuff having
already occurred. What information was provided seemed thrown in
and it was hard to tell what was pertinent information and what
was not. When they first come upon the wreckage (this is before
the credits), it was not clear it was the Enterprise, and I'm not
sure it was even mentioned. As it turned out, the wreckage they
saw was part of Enterprise's bay door. They assumed that ALL the
wreckage came from the Enterprise from this ONE scrap. I guess
that was a reasonable assumption. And the whole conversation
revealing this was embedded in a blasé banter, with some other
stuff thrown in about a micro something-or-other (which the
Captain said was a Vulcan myth), with unspoken potential, and the
focus on it led me to believe that this might have something to
do with Reed's and Malcolm's predicament, and that maybe the two
men were in some sort of alternate universe or this was some sort
of time-travel thing. I thought it was a good episode, as I
think they all are, but it could have been clearer. Hell, the
beings responsible for the Enterprise damage weren't shown at
all, our knowledge of them, too, coming from the palaver between
the captain and T'pol. The episode wasn't dynamically presented,
though I have to admit I like the series so much, I tend to
overlook all the flaws (like the doctor's cheesy makeup, for
example; we're now stuck with having to look at it for the entire
run of the series). Once everything was fully revealed, it
worked, though rather clunkily.
I enjoyed the admission by Malcolm to Reed that he thought
T'Pol was pretty. I was wondering if any of the male crew were
noticing her as much as I was. Reed looked reluctant to go
there, but I remember the episode in which he and T'Pol had to
rub one another down with some sort of lotion due to exposure to
some alien environment. Both were half-dressed. He seemed a
little more than curious about her, and I remember he seemed to
enjoy rubbing her ears and thighs. He maintained a professional
face during the contact, but his touch changed, and the attention
to detail bordered on the sensual. And she, as she reciprocated
the rubdown, seemed to slow down at Reed's thighs.
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 16:13:24
From: Geoffrey McStroul <>
I really enjoyed this episode (finally got to watch it last night). My
only complaint (and you knew this was coming) was that I wish they had
held off this episode until a later season when we actually cared about
these characters.
It was a great episode, had great character building (amazing coming from
B&B), but was a little too early.
Oh yeah, when does Travis Mayweather get his name removed from the title
credit sequence? Porthos gets more to do than that poor boy.
Date: Friday, February 22, 2002 3:55 PM
From: "Paul Spiteri" <>
> I think that the scenes of
> Archer and Enterprise should have been held off till the
> very end. Having continuous scenes in the Shuttlepod
> would have made the plot seem more believable rather
> than cutting away to the Enterprise shots every few
> minutes.
Yes, agreed. Thought the same myself after watching it. Still a good
episode though, probably the best (unfortunately...)