What the readers say:

Rogue Planet

Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 06:05:25 -0800 (PST)
From: lord kolath

 sounds awfully familiar about "Tosk"

Date: 3/24/2002 6:04:37 PM
From: Mithril1960@a... 

> So much for the science in science fiction. Interesting
> that they referred to these shapeshifters as wraiths. I think it's
> too closely related to the Pah-wraiths from DS9.

What? How do you come to this conclusion when the Pagh-Wraiths are energy 
beings, not solids at all? Secondly, perhaps these plants do use the 
photosynthesis that our earthly plants do, but process their energies a 
different way, such as on the ultraviolet spectrum of light. There is a 
fiction in Science Fiction as well.

Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 18:53:52
From: "Reepicheep" <reepicheepNO@SPAMdtl.org>

>So did T'Pol
> actually participate in the hunters "welcome feast" along with the
> rest of the Enterprise landing party and eat meat or did she just
> sit there and look Vulcan-like?

I was wondering that myself. They made such a big deal about her being a
vegetarian in a previous ep, but no menton of it here. I guess the
anti-hunting message was strong enough without the vegetarian getting a dig
in here.

Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 11:37:54
From: "The Highlander \(aka Gordon\)" <Highlander992k@yahoo.com>

> Tid Bits -
> I find it strange that in a dark world, plants would develop
> leaves, let alone have an entire rain forest where there is no
> sunlight. So much for the science in science fiction.

Suspend your disbelief to a higher degree....<g>

> Interesting
> that they referred to these shapeshifters as wraiths. I think it's
> too closely related to the Pah-wraiths from DS9.

Didn't think that, the word wraith has been used before in non Trek fiction,
for example Tolkien.

> I wonder when the
> first "trekkie" is going to come out and say: "so was this the home
> world for the founders?". Not going that direction!

LOL, I wondered about that for a second, but it simply didn't fit at all,
besides, where was the great link?

> So did T'Pol
> actually participate in the hunters "welcome feast" along with the
> rest of the Enterprise landing party and eat meat or did she just
> sit there and look Vulcan-like?

She probably ate some tastefully grilled leaves and stems.

> What it all means -
> Does this mean that hunting season is over?

Wabbit season, or duck?

MJC Trek Reviews