What the readers say:


Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 03:34:21
From: "Gordon" <moiner@austin.rr.com>

> Bad kudos to the producers for breaking Trek continuity! I do not
> think that this was done well. After all, it was clearly
> established in TNG that Picard was the first (knowingly or
> unknowingly) to discover the Ferengi. No maybe, and, if, or but!
> Gees, what's next? The enterprise crew encounters the S.S. Botany
> Bay??

Oh, you betcha. After technobabble saves the NX-01, Archer & co. lovingly
place Khan and his boyz back in suspended animation and send them on their
way. I mean, they promised to be good from now on. How much trouble could
they be?

Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 22:23:43
From: Maureen Goldman <inkslinger@FOGsunshine.net>

>Bad kudos to the producers for breaking Trek continuity! I do not
>think that this was done well. After all, it was clearly
>established in TNG that Picard was the first (knowingly or
>unknowingly) to discover the Ferengi. No maybe, and, if, or but!

Picard had never encountered any Ferengi personally, which isn't at
all the same as saying that Picard discovered them. When he asked for
information about them, Data advised him that they had a reputation
similar to Yankee traders. 

As many others have pointed out, Archer's visitors never identified
themselves as Ferengi.

Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 18:32:48
From: Danielle Ni Dhighe <morrigan@morrigan.net>

>Gees, what's next? The enterprise crew encounters
>the S.S. Botany Bay??

I would put money on the Borg making an appearance.

>seriously doubt that the 22nd century Enterprise,
>even at warp 5 for the past few months, would be
>anywhere near the sphere of Ferengi ship travel.

Why not? They've already been to the Klingon homeworld. At this rate, 
there will be nothing for James T. Kirk to explore, let alone Jean-Luc Picard.

>The bumbling Ferengi scenes were very funny, though.
>However, that has been what the viewer has come to
>expect from Ferengies

I think I prefer how the Ferengi were portrayed in the first season of TNG, 
having just watched those episodes again on DVD. They were sly, cruel, 
calculating, and even a bit vicious. Then they were later turned into 
comic relief.

Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 22:46:15
From: "Adam" <cyclejobs@adelphia.net>

> Bad kudos to the producers for breaking Trek continuity! I do not
> think that this was done well. After all, it was clearly
> established in TNG that Picard was the first (knowingly or
> unknowingly) to discover the Ferengi. No maybe, and, if, or but!
> Gees, what's next? The enterprise crew encounters the S.S. Botany
> Bay?? Anyways, ..

Did any one see the preview for next weeks Enterprise? It looks like they do
meat the Botany Bay.
Boy you saw that coming.

Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 07:38:52
From: Warren Bloom <warren@NOalteregressSPAM.com>

> Bad kudos to the producers for breaking Trek continuity! I do not
> think that this was done well. After all, it was clearly
> established in TNG that Picard was the first (knowingly or
> unknowingly) to discover the Ferengi. No maybe, and, if, or but!
> Gees, what's next? The enterprise crew encounters the S.S. Botany
> Bay?? Anyways, Picard's Ferengi encounter was really, really far
> out there in space, even for 24th century warp speed days. I
> seriously doubt that the 22nd century Enterprise, even at warp 5
> for the past few months, would be anywhere near the sphere of
> Ferengi ship travel.

Spurious logic aside (I don't believe the word "Ferengi" was ever spoken in
the episode, for one)...

..you're intensely worried about location-related continuity, but you have
no problem calling the Ferengi "intergalactic"? :)

> It was good to see Jeffrey Combs play a Ferengi again. I wonder who
> will be the first Trek viewer to say, "Was that Brunt? Sounded like
> him. Gee, I guess Ferengies live for at least 200+
> years"...etc...etc... Who knows, maybe it was one of Brunt's
> ancestors.

Combs' character was so utterly and completely unlike Brunt that that hadn't
even occured to me. Where could anyone see a resemblance? (Just because it
was the same actor, the characters must be related? C'mon now.) There's
was an infinitely stronger resemblance to, I dunno, _Voyager_'s Kuntsatse
(sp?) producer than to Brunt, though barely that either. What a great,
great actor.

Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 15:23:40
From: antiwolf@U...

>Bad kudos to the producers for breaking Trek continuity! I do not
>think that this was done well. After all, it was clearly
>established in TNG that Picard was the first (knowingly or
>unknowingly) to discover the Ferengi. No maybe, and, if, or but!
>Gees, what's next?

I agree that Trek broke continuity with the Ferengi, but it seems that
this was first broken on TNG and DS9. Little about the Ferengi which
was presented on these shows matched with the idea that no one knew
who they were until Picard saw them on the screen. Hadn't Quark been
running his bar for quite some time?

>Anyways, Picard's Ferengi encounter was really, really far
>out there in space, even for 24th century warp speed days. I
>seriously doubt that the 22nd century Enterprise, even at warp 5
>for the past few months, would be anywhere near the sphere of
>Ferengi ship travel. 

I will agree with you strongly here. The problem is that the
producers just haven't learned, as Douglas Adams put it that "Space is
big". The NX-01 is VERY slow compared to any of the NCC-1701
Enterprises - including the TOS "No bloody A, B, C or D".

Yet distance is no object at all. Qo'Nos is a mere 2 days away, which
at warp 5 would put it less than1 light-year away. Pretty convenient
since the nearest star is about 4 light years away!

Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 15:25:28
From: "Dennis Evans" <tide323@c...>

>Bad kudos to the producers for breaking Trek continuity! I do not
>think that this was done well. After all, it was clearly
>established in TNG that Picard was the first (knowingly or
>unknowingly) to discover the Ferengi. No maybe, and, if, or but!

It is also clear in Acquisition that when all is said and done that
only 3 
members of the crew had seen them, that they didn't know what there
Race was 
called. So unless, someone later went back through all the records of 
unidentified aliens no one would have realized they had been an encounter 
before. I think it was handled very well. 

MJC Trek Reviews