What the readers say:

Two Days and Two Nights

Date: Sunday, May 26, 2002 10:35 PM
From: ""Joe Jefferson" <jjstrshp@mindspring.com>

> Seems like 22nd century field
> scanners can send data back up to the ship (Archer scene scanning
> the mystery women). Where as with 23rd century scanners
> (Tricorders), one has to beam back up to the ship to process that
> data. Go figure.

I've found that Star Trek continuity makes a *lot* more sense if you
just assume that TOS took place in an alternate universe. For example,
just look at the way torpedo warheads have developed over time:

Enterprise: firecrackers
TOS: multimegaton thermonuclear weapons
Movies: large conventional weapons
TNS: small conventional weapons
Voyager: firecrackers

Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 00:45:07
From: "Dennis Evans" <tide323@c...>

> Can you say useless? Yep, that's what this story amounts to.
> Absolutely nothing! If it wasn't for some of the light-sided humor,
> this would have been another torturous episode to watch. Well, let
> me start off with some Trek inconsistencies, only because I love
> bashing the producers and writers when the make such obviously and
> dumb continuity errors. In the DS9 episode, 'Let He Who Is Without
> Sin...', it was well established that Risa's "artificial" tropical
> paradise was maintained by the most elaborate federation weather
> modification system. In fact, without the modified climate and
> weather systems, Risa's natural weather is rain...and lots of it!

I really don't recall it being said that it was a Federation systemt 
created this enviroment. It might have, I have not watched that 
episode in
a long time. Even if it was said, that does not mean that at one 
time Risa
couldn't have used a different system at one time. Perhaps the one 
they had
was old, and they upgraded.

> Plus, there are earthquakes all the time. A taste of Risa's natural
> environment was experienced in that DS9 episode when the weather
> system went down. Of course, there was no mention in this Enterprise
> episode that Risa had any kind of artificial climatic system. Oh

When Hoshi, comments to the couple in the resturant that there it is a
beautiful night. They commented that the nights on Risa are alwasy
beautiful. Is it really neccessary that they mention the artifical 
every time they visit. It wasn't mentioned in the episode where 
visited there.

> well. The last I checked, Berman was a producer of that DS9 series!
> Hello??? That DS9 episode was also written by one of Star Trek's
> better writers, Robert Hewitt Wolfe. Maybe the Enterprise producers

He might be one of Treks Better writers but the DS9 episode you 
mention is
one of the worst things DS9 ever did.

> should have him write a few good episodes for Enterprise. Besides
> the dumb inconsistencies, the story was not very good. It was an

I did have some gripes about this episode, mostly the use of Risa. 
the fact that I don't think Risa belongs in this timeline, it was not 
important to the story. Any, world with beautiful beaches that 
vacationers would have done just as well.

> uneven with an inconsistent story line. It made no sense, had no
> real character development, and was just plain flat stupid. Archer's
> mystery women plot left me feeling like "so what? What was the
> point?". Besides, she looked too much like a Trill with larger and

I never even thought of her looking like a trill, still don't see it. 
I do
agree about the plot, I would much rather of had them keep this story
completely light and fun instead of througing in the story line with 
woman. Why not just a real romantic relationship for Archer. More 
Trip and Malcolm babe hunting. I wasn't even that enthralled with 
the Hoshi
story. In the long run there were 4 story lines going on and two 
time to devote to any of them.

> Tid Bits -
> So half the crew got to go to Risa. Hmmm, let's see...so if
> Enterprise has a crew of about 80, that means 40 went. They showed
> two shuttle pods taken everyone one down. With maybe about half a
> dozen we saw on the first Shuttle pod, I guess that leaves about 34
> to cram into the second. I hate to see what they all would do if

Or perhaps there would be more ships going down but we didn't see 
them. How
many pods does the ship actually have. Have they ever said. How 
many lauch
ports are there. It is possible that they launched the first two and 
moved more ships into place to carry more down.

Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2002 04:57:45
From: "Kenneth Garza" <kgweb@b...>

The Drama -
Can you say useless? Yep, that's what this story amounts to.
Absolutely nothing! If it wasn't for some of the light-sided humor,
this would have been another torturous episode to watch. Well, let
me start off with some Trek inconsistencies, only because I love
bashing the producers and writers when the make such obviously and
dumb continuity errors. In the DS9 episode, 'Let He Who Is Without
Sin...', it was well established that Risa's "artificial" tropical
paradise was maintained by the most elaborate federation weather
modification system. In fact, without the modified climate and
weather systems, Risa's natural weather is rain...and lots of it!
Plus, there are earthquakes all the time. A taste of Risa's natural
environment was experienced in that DS9 episode when the weather
system went down. Of course, there was no mention in this Enterprise
episode that Risa had any kind of artificial climatic system.>>>>

Thats not a continuity problem... Just because they didnt mention it 
mean that its not there. Be Careful about the producer bashing. 
Cases are understandable but probing an episode to discover 
that "Ohhh..
They're at risa.. they didnt mention the weather control system" is 

Not to go into a rant here but why is it necessary to bash the people 
make the episodes we all like. Like most critics they feel the need 
to pick
apart a persons work and needle it to death. Personally, I like all 
episodes... for one reason and one reason only... (well more reasons 
one) I know I couldnt do it. Have people who are working under 
deadlines, with about 28 scripts on my desk for consideration in 
which only
about 10 will actually make it. Not to mention the demands of the 
fans to
make quality products as well something that will make money to 
As well as having to remember 1 million little details to make 
absolutely perfect and somehow do it under 2 weeks. Not going to 
happen my
friends, so if you have any mercy give the producers, and/or writers a
break. Contrary to popular belief these people are not Star Trek 
Gods (Like
Gene Roddenberry thought he was), but actual human beings, with 
families and
lives outside of Star Trek.

Thanks for reading, have a safe and pleasant day

Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2002 00:18:47
From: <23skidoo@lycos.com>

I liked this episode quite a lot because I thought it was a great
"shaggy dog" ending to the somewhat dramatic events involved in
Enterprise getting to Risa. I think the "THAT'S IT?" factor worked
really well. 

> Well, let
> me start off with some Trek inconsistencies, only because I love
> bashing the producers and writers when the make such obviously and
> dumb continuity errors. In the DS9 episode, 'Let He Who Is Without
> Sin...', it was well established that Risa's "artificial" tropical
> paradise was maintained by the most elaborate federation weather
> modification system. In fact, without the modified climate and
> weather systems, Risa's natural weather is rain...and lots of it!
> Plus, there are earthquakes all the time. A taste of Risa's natural
> environment was experienced in that DS9 episode when the weather
> system went down. Of course, there was no mention in this Enterprise
> episode that Risa had any kind of artificial climatic system. 

Perhaps it was being kept a secret. I can't recall 100% so if I'm
wrong, correct me: but I don't remember any mention of Risa's
artificial weather system being a Federation design. There's nothing
saying it couldn't be 100% in place in 2152; the Earth crew simply
don't know about it yet and didn't think to ask. I see no

Also, remember this is 200+ years prior to "Let He Who is Without
Sin..." and any amount of atmospheric change could have occurred in
that length of time. That, or maybe someone on Risa tried to rob a Q!

> mystery women plot left me feeling like "so what? What was the
> point?". 

I immediately assumed that this is setting up a future re-appearance
for the character and the Suliban persecution angle, so I let this go,
myself. Enterprise has established that "self-contained" episodes
aren't always the norm. For example, "Cold Front" left a number of
things hanging in the air, but some payoff occurred in "Shockwave."

>Besides, she looked too much like a Trill with larger and
> lighter spots. 

That was distracting, I'll agree with you. I was waiting for her to
break the news to Archer about "the slug."

> So much for originality. Hoshi's love affair was
> rushed. Where was the build up for that? The "getting-to-know"
> routine? Walk along the beach? It was like, "Hi, I can speak Risa,
> too. Let's have sex". 

You obviously haven't been on too many real-life shore leaves ... or
spring break! This happens a lot in real life (sadly, not to me...).

> I thought the writers would have made one of
> Enterprise's first love affair more interesting, especially for a
> regular character.

Didn't Archer have a girlfriend in an earlier episode?

>Speaking of the UT, where was it for Trip
> and Reed or did everyone at the club that they were speaking to just
> magically know English? 

Hoshi made a point of saying she left her UT home. I think we've been
shown that the UT is either built into a communicator or is a separate
device that fits into a pocket. They probably had them -- note we did
NOT see them talking to any Risans after they were stripped.

>Their appearance and scene setting kind of
> reminded me of the Roxbury skit from Saturday Night live. Maybe
> there should have been this background music - "What is Love? Baby,
> don't hurt me ...". 

THANK YOU! I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice this. I thought it
was hilarious and I can only hope there's a blooper somewhere showing
Trineer and Keating doing the "head bob" thing!

Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 15:01:25
From: "Dough Hubler" <kalel@chartertn.net>

> Speaking of the UT, where was it for Trip
> and Reed or did everyone at the club that they were speaking to just
> magically know English? Their appearance and scene setting kind of
> reminded me of the Roxbury skit from Saturday Night live. Maybe
> there should have been this background music - "What is Love? Baby,
> don't hurt me ...".

Funny you should say that... my son had missed that one and since I burn
every episode (don't celebrate yet... I mean to VCD, not in open flame), I
puilled it out the other night and showed it to him... and while standing in
the bar "scoping chicks", Trip actually DOES the finger-point "Who me? Him?
Me?" thing from the SNL skit!

> Also, remember this is 200+ years prior to "Let He Who is Without
> Sin..." and any amount of atmospheric change could have occurred in
> that length of time.

True... Risa COULD have been a paradise at ENT's time with any number of
occurances manifesting a need for atmospheric tech by DS9's.

> That, or maybe someone on Risa tried to rob a Q!

It will be interesting to see how the Q are brought into ENT... yeah, yeah,
I know, E@F shows that the Q didn't even know about humans in the 24th, but
since then, Q has done a lot of time jumping himself... nothing to keep him
from going back!

> I immediately assumed that this is setting up a future re-appearance
> for the character and the Suliban persecution angle, so I let this go,
> myself.

And with Dean Stockwell's character's name being brought up again, can we
expect (hope for?) that he may become a recurring character?

> >Their appearance and scene setting kind of
> > reminded me of the Roxbury skit from Saturday Night live. Maybe
> > there should have been this background music - "What is Love? Baby,
> > don't hurt me ...".
> THANK YOU! I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice this. I thought it
> was hilarious and I can only hope there's a blooper somewhere showing
> Trineer and Keating doing the "head bob" thing!

I pointed out in an earlier post that Trip actually looks at someone
offscreen and does the "Him? Me? Him?" finger-point thing from the SNL skit!

MJC Trek Reviews