Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 21:19:02 -0700
From: Jacob Albretsen <>
> 2) I guess it's standard Starfleet training to learn alien languages
> quickly.
Have you not seen the interviews with Scott Bacula? He is a strong supporter
of making sure that Enterprise does not become "your dad's Star Trek" meaning
he is keeping tabs making sure the writers don't do things make the
transporter all of a sudden work.
He is the best thing to happen to Star Trek in a while.
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:56:01
From: <woof359@m...>
I think maybe there getting lazy and using old story lines, its OK if
they turn out better, i know there are a few i wood like to see
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 10:09:45
From: David Johnston <>
> Did anyone get the feeling of deja-vu with this episode. Take away the
> pre-atomic society and all the frivolous background story stuff, and
> what is left is a repeat of an Archer/Reed episode from Minefield. Only
> this time, Reed doesn't get his leg spiked from a mine. Re-using
> previous story ideas from past Star Trek series has been well known,
> but from the same series is ridiculous! This episode was not a total
> character development loss. We do come to learn that Archer has matured
> enough to be willing to sacrifice his life to protect pre-warp
> societies.
Yeah, having knowledge is a horrible fate. I can see why he'd be
prepared to die to keep people in ignorance.
Date: 18 Nov 2002 08:34:53
From: Boris Badenov <>
>Did anyone get the feeling of deja-vu with this episode.
Yes, but the episode did not remind me of Minefield, but rather TOS's A Piede of
the Action, done without humor. IIRC, McCoy even left a communicator behind,
though his gaffe came at the end of the episode. The only similarity I see to
Minefield is that Archer and Reed are again paired. And that didn't bother me.
If you can accept Archer's presence on the away team to begin with, the Captain
and his tactical officer are a natural combination ..
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 21:50:28
From: Tom O'Brien <mrtobrien@ameritech.networth>
> Too many logical and technical inconsistencies that made the story
> kinda lame - like the general understanding English from the
> communicator,
Well, what they didn't show you was that before the interrogation, the
aliens put some very small fish in their ears, so communications were no
> pre-atomic weapons being a threat to Starfleet shuttle
> pods, primitive propeller aircraft able to outrun and actually pose a
> danger to a Sulliban Cell-Ships,
Who said anything about primitive or propeller driven aircraft? Quite
likely jet/rocket fighters, more advanced than anything we have today.
As for the cell-ship, maybe they're not designed for high speed
(supersonic)atmospheric travel. Nor are they necessarily well designed
to withstand attacks from machine guns(figuring that their most likely
opponents would be using energy weapons)
> and T'Pol using cowboy style tactics
> to rescue Archer and Reed. As far as cultural "contamination" is
> concerned, they might have been better off just bringing walkie
> talkies.
> Tid Bits -
> 1) Mayweather gets to drive the Sulliban pod.
> 2) I guess it's standard Starfleet training to learn alien languages
> quickly.
> 3) I guess the transporter was broken in this episode. It would have
> made it easier to rescue Archer and Reed.
> What it all means -
> Archer and Reed have another getting-to-know-you adventure. This time,
> no Romulans were involved.
Seems to me that Archer, however, acted like an idiot under
The doods figure out "hey, they're aliens", so he says, no, we're spies
from your enemy. Now, he's probably started a war, whereas had he let
them continue to believe they were aliens, the most likely result would
have been the rest of the planet thinking these 8-10 people who were
reporting aliens were on acid or something after they were rescued and
had retrieved all traces of their presence.
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 12:49:00
From: Manyak Saakyan <>
I diagree this wa not a rehashing of the plot of
minefield. Preatomic weapons may not pose a threat to
the enterprise, but they can to a shuttlepod that is
not shielded. The Suliban cell ship ofcourse is
another matter although you ahve to cosnider that ti
was outnumbered, but it did very well indeed, no
damage at all after taking some hits.
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 04:06:55
From: "Regina" <>
You have to admit at least it was better than the previous episode of
T'Pol and her past of last week. But I don't feel the episodes are
getting better this season over all in any way.
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 13:46:48
From: "beth" <>
> 3) I guess the transporter was broken in this episode. It would
> have made it easier to rescue Archer and Reed.
Actually, I think (think) that they feared to use it lest someone see
them "disappear" and further contaminate the culture. Possibility,
Date: Ronald Cole <>
From: 19 Nov 2002 17:01:40
> Tid Bits -
> 2) I guess it's standard Starfleet training to learn alien languages
> quickly.
Agreed! It *should* have been Archer and Hoshi... I wonder if
Hoshi's figured out that she's following in Mayweather's footsteps as
the next "Ensign Dunsel"!