What the readers say:

Vanishing Point

Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 17:49:56
From: Boris Badenov <bbad@frostbite.falls.state.mn.us>

Nice review, MJC. Agree with every word.

Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 16:59:13
From: captjim <captjim@p...>

> 3) What alien language was that that Hoshi's subconscious mind
> concocted anyway??

It was the same language we heard in "Fight or Flight"... that
of the Axanar.

> 4) So what would have happened in reality if Hoshi had not stepped
> onto
> the alien mobile transporter in her brief dream??

I'm sure they would have still got her back but without the closure
afforded by that action.

MJC Trek Reviews