Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 02:29:46
From: Mike Dicenso <>
> Tid Bits -
> 1) Mayweather just pilots the ship as usually.
Well.. duh. That's the character's job. Just like Sulu was mostly piloting
the E-1701, or Worf worked at the E-D's tactical station. I don't see why
this a big deal to you, especially in light of the upcoming "Horizon"
> 2) Did that alien next to Trip ever stop talking??
> 3) I guess all Enolian prisoners are equipped with universal
> translators.
Or the ship has a UT. It makes no sense for a prison barge to not have a
means in which the guards and prisoners can communicate with each other.
> 4) Looks like Starfleet trains their officers quit well. They can
> decipher and figure out how to fly alien ships in under 60 seconds.
Actually I appreciated the fact that it Took Archer some time to figure
things out, and that he didn't just jump into the pilot's seat and start
flying the ship without a word or fuss. Also, Archer and trip did spend
time in the Enolian system, so they might've picked up some of the
language as well.
> 5) TNG, DS9, and VOY episodes talked about how ships had too drop out of
> warp before changing course. I guess Enolian prison ships are the only
> ones that can do that.
This is strike two for you. Once again you attempt to rewrite Trek history
in order for you to have something to gripe about in an otherwise decent
episode. Nowhere in TOS, TNG, nor DS9 was it ever said that ships had to
drop out of warp in order to turn. In fact, we have numerous episodes in
the above listed series of ships doing just that at warp. Only *once*, in
VGR's "Fury", is there any statement that a ship cannot turn (at least not
without risk) at warp. But even in most of VGR, the ships do course
changes at warp. ENT has also shown that the NX-01 and other ships can
turn at warp as well prior to this episode. Nex time, if you're going to
gripe on an episode; at least make sure your gripe is a vaild one.
> 6) Did anyone see any female prisoners? I guess Enolians only arrested
> males.
Who cares. Is this important to anything? In real life, it's not uncommon
for male and female prisoners to be transported seperately, as well as
being housed seperately.
> 7) (Yawn)
It was entertaining. Not every episode can be a classic. To expect
otherwise is unrealistic.
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 13:42:32 -0700
From: Jacob Albretsen <>
> Synopsis: Upon leaving the Enolian homeworld in a shuttlepod, Archer
> and Tucker are mistakenly arrested and placed on a prisoner transport
> vessel bound for the penal colony Canamar.
> MJC Review:
I actually liked the very end of the story where the alien was trying to
apologize and Archer "Gave him a report". Very cool.
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 15:19:16
From: Christi Koenig <christi@a...>
>Tid Bits -
>2) Did that alien next to Trip ever stop talking??
Did anyone catch the actor's name for the alien? DH thinks he
sounded a
lot like Clem the skin demon on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (Talk
stereotyping. Ha ha)