Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 14:27:52
From: Boris Badenov <>
|What it all means -
|Archer sacrifices the few to save the many.
|3 cool peace signs
|MJC 200305.11
If this is the only time we'll see the Borg on Enterprise, I'll live with it. But, I
can't help believing that the Borg didn't belong here in this time. This was a nice
homage to First Contact, but one I felt .. and still feel after seeing the episode .. we
could have done without.
I can hear the suits at Paramount talking now. "The fans like the Borg. Put some Borg
in Enterprise." Not even bothering to consider the story problems this creates, as
discussed here by more astute observers.
Phlox's bit was nicely done. Billingsley carried off his part with just the right amount
of fatalistic determination, but aside from the ship interiors, which were wonderful as
usual, I found precious little to like about this episode.
The ending reminded me of TNG's Conspiracy, and it was a nice tip of the hat to the fans
and future incarnations of Trek to mention the threat that the Borg would pose in the
future, but that's really all it was. Favorite Season Two episodes for me remain Carbon
Creek, The Seventh, Vanishing Point, Precious Cargo, and Cease Fire.
Trivia tidbits picked up at imdb: only three more season two episodes left, Robert
O'Reilly, who is one of my favorite Klingons returns as one, and Roxanne Dawson voiced the
computer in Dead Stop. Did not know that.