What the readers say:


Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 22:07:53
From: "Gordon aka \(The Highlander\)" <Highlander992k@yahoo.com>

> 3) Archer and crew find out how to make Trellium-D. All in
> exchange for spices that you can get at Wal-mart.

this was one of the most imaginative and yet accurate pieces in the entire
episode. What is normal for us may be exiotic and rare for others. Imagine
when European explorers brought back spices and other goods from the new
world, these things were highly prized. How was anyone to know that they
were just potatoes, tobacco leaves and peppers?

Date: 5 Oct 2003 19:19:41
From: "Garrison Hilliard" <garrison@efn.org>

>At least the season opener for Angle was good. It did put
>me in a better mood and not give this episode a rating of 1.
>Imagine that - an Enterprise review saved by Angle! HA!! Go
>figure again.

Mean Joe Cool, you're an amusing idiot.

p.s. It's spelled "Angel"

MJC Trek Reviews