What the readers say:

The Shipment

Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2003 04:23:24 GMT
From: coryalbrecht@hotmail.com (Cory C. Albrecht)

>4) Xindi hand weapons are powered by slugs.

They weren't powered by slugs, the slugs just regulated power 

Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 18:47:40
From: "John A. Ardelli" <gelfling@s...>

> It was quite ironic that Archer's first intentions were to blow up 
> complex, only later to turn around and not do so.

Not to mention this was a very positive sign of a potential return to 
the basics of Star Trek and the nature of the stories that made it 

This episode finally reawakened some of my enthusiasm. I'm still not 
holding my breath, but they've woken me up and got my attention. :)

MJC Trek Reviews