What the readers say:


Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2003 18:49:52
From: Sugapablo <russ@sugapablo.com>

> 5) Humans sure do seem to age fast in 12 years.

After all they went through? Being only 6000 humans left? You'd look 
that old too. :)

Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 00:18:15 GMT
From: "Dale" <hipdale@rivertoncommon.org>

I thinks it ranks right there with many classic Trek episodes. If they can
keep the quality up this show stands a chance.

Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 06:12:08 GMT
From: Al Smith

> This is one of those episodes that deserves a better than average
> rating. It's too bad that viewers had to wait until sweeps week
> before seeing the "good stuff". For this Enterprise season, it was
> worth it.

> Tid Bits -

> 1) Mayweather gets a very short scene, then dies.

I swear, I didn't see Mayweather die. That's how much of a 
non-person he is becoming -- I don't even notice him when he's on 
screen anymore.

> 2) I thought that the Xindi were constructing a mass bio weapon
> (see Rajiin), not a planet buster?

The are building both, to have a fallback in case the first 
superweapon fails.

> 3) I wonder what happened to the moon after the earth blew up?

The Moon become a planet circling the Sun in a field of asteroids, 
which are all that remain of Earth.
> 4) Nice reference to Ceti-Alpha 5.

> 5) Humans sure do seem to age fast in 12 years.

Having your home world blow up severely limits the availability of 
plastic surgery.

> 6) Reed looks cool in a beard like Mr. Spock did in 'Mirror,
> Mirror'.

Ha, evil mirror universe Reed. Wasn't he evil all along?

Good review. I enjoyed reading it.

Date: Eric Newman <edit@carroll.com>
From: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 00:18:34 GMT

>3) I wonder what happened to the moon after the earth blew up?

T'Pol should have mentioned the human colonies on the moon in addition
to Alpha Centauri and the Vega colony. In FC, Riker says there are 50
million people living on the moon in his century. Granted "Enterprise"
takes place 200 years before that, but wouldn't you think humans would
start establishing colonies on the moon before they went on to Mars
and then outside the solar system?

Date: 11 Nov 2003 15:59:27 GMT
From: anim8rfsk@aol.com

<< 3) I wonder what happened to the moon after the earth blew up? >>

It wandered across the galaxy with Koenig and company.

Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 18:36:40 -0500
From: Zachary <zeeker@peoplepc.com>

"Fleeing from the Xindi tyrany, the last starship, Enterprise, leads a ragtag fleet on a lonely quest..."

MJC Trek Reviews