Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 02:22:19
From: "Anthony J. Bryant" <>> What it all means -
> Archer rescues the girl!
And Trip shoots the girl!
Date: 16 Nov 2003 23:49:32
From: Karen <>> Overall, a fairly good drama episode about oppression and
> prejudice. Although these issues aren't as political as they once
> were during the original Star Trek series in the 60's, they do
> still occur in our society. Written well, these topics will always
> make for a good story to tell. There was not much need to go into
> any deep critique of this episode. It played out some typical
> slavery/oppression cultural issues well. Plus, it was a good
> episode to watch. The North Star title had a general appeal to the
> plot, but was nothing like what North Start really meant during
> the American civil war.
Agreed. I found that it was a *leetle* much to expect that *6 months* of
oppression warrented that much hate. They could have picked a better number
for that.
> There was a bit of Kirk drama in this one. It did had a bit of a
> "wagon train" through the stars type of feel (literally). Archer
> comes into a wild west town to undo the wrong and set things right
> - complete with gun battles, saloons, barbershops, horses, even a
> harmonica, and all! The characters of this western like town were
> typical of 50's and 60's wild west shows and movies. Nothing
> demeaning was done to these classic shows. Their characters were
> basic and something everyone could relate too. I was surprised
> that there wasn't more focus given from the Skag's point of view.
> Oh well, I guess that there was only so much screen time.
Yeah, it would have been nice if on screen it had been pointed out that to
teach Skag children as human would do more destruction to the Skag society
than "opressing" back.
> I didn't get the feeling that I was watching a remake of Voyagers
> "The 37's". Although, I was a bit dismayed that the humans didn't
> make as much progress as was done with the humans in the Voyager
> episode. Then again, a wild west show is more fun to watch.
Progress didn't bother me. What exactly would progress do for them? also,
only so many resources. And how much education would these folks have had to
begin with? I agree though that the only similarity to the 37's was an
overthrough of kidnapped humans from the past.
> The last battle scene was a bit lame. Phase pistols versus 19th
> century guns?? Come on! I think someone was smoking too much space
> weed when thinking up that scene. At least they didn't end off the
> show with Enterprise warping off into the sunset.
Aww. I always thought that was a cute ending and appropriate for the levity
of that episode. This was done straight. It looked good (but production
value on ENT is rarely a quibble point with anyone. Except for the love of
As far as guns and phasers, well, I don't see much difference except for the
type of damage done. I don't think that's such a bad idea. We haven't seen
"wide beam dispersion" yet in this era, so really, it's just a different
> Tid Bits -
> 1) Did anyone catch Mayweather's line?.
You can't transport 6000 people back to Earth on the Ent.
> 2) I guess the Skags captured horses in addition to the humans
Now, I just figure they beamed (reference was made) a chunk o' town and
people up. Some were, yes, probably on or with horses. Maybe they were
interested. Who knows. I would like to have seen Trip have a harder time
mounting. The walk off was fairly good though. I recently started taking
lessons and man, they sure know if *you* don't know what you are doing. You
can practically hear them saying "make me". It's enormous fun when they
start listening to you. But, at least he didn't trot off on his first try.
I had to laugh at "How hard can it be?" simply because if you want to do
more than walk it can be hard if you haven't done it. I did love how T'pol
backed away when they first brought the horse out. Great reaction for her
It was an OK show, well done. I'm hoping it was just another "morals"
refresher for Archer as he goes on his way to meet the Xindi. Maybe his Ahab
routine will tone down abit.
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 21:17:44
From: Eileen <>>Tid Bits -
>1) Did anyone catch Mayweather's line?.
yep: shouted out-- 'omg, mayweather has a line!'