What the readers say:

Proving Ground

Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 09:54:16
From: "Al Smith" <invalid@address.com>

> 5) Andorian Ale looks like Romulan Ale.

Somebody clear something up for me. I seem to remember in the Old 
Series that there was Romulan Ale and Andorian Brandy. I don't 
remember Andorian Ale. I know one of them was green, because 
Scotty got plastered on a bottle of it, but I don't remember which 
was the green stuff. Did they even have Andorian Ale in the Old 

Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 09:53:41
From: "David Johnston" <rgormannospam@telusplanet.net>

>The Xindi did seem agitated and hard pressed to test and launch
>the weapon against earth. One would think that "time" would be on
>their side. Enterprises isn't much of a match for the reptilian
>Xindi ships. 

It disabled two Xindi ships and got away clean so I don't think you
are right. 

>Tid Bits -
>1) Mayweather is NOT pink skinned!


>4) Evidently, 22nd century computer technology does not have good
>backups. Only mediocre redundant memory core modules that keep
>only 30% of the data.

Or maybe Crazed Religious Leader destroyed the backup media as well. 

Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 20:10:33 -0500
From: Zachary <zeeker@peoplepc.com>

My take on the testing is that I don't think all the Xindi races are that united, and there might be a lot of infighting as soon as the weapon is completed: every race is going to make a grab for it; that's why the Humanoids are so cautious in testing it, ( and note that the most "EVIL" of the races, the Reptilians, are very much in a hurry for it.)

I guess that at the end of the episode, Shran was yelling at Archer untill he was blue in the face...

MJC Trek Reviews