What the readers say:

The Council

Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 10:06:06
From: "Barry Margolin" <barmar@alum.mit.edu>

> 4) Phlox is on the "worm" diet.

Didn't MadTV or SNL just do a sketch about the tapeworm diet a couple of

weeks ago?

Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 15:09:36
From: "Dacaria" <dacaria@a...>

Perhaps the Xindi brought the artifacts with them when they relocated 
to the
new planet. If you notice they have it as a shrine or a memorial. I 
remember them stating that they found the Avian remains there, just 
that it
was 4000 years old.


5) In 'The Shipment', Gralik says the Avians were found only on the
Xindi home world. So how did they get to this planet where 4000 year
old Avian artifacts are located?


MJC Trek Reviews