What the readers say:

Cold Station 12

Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 10:11:06
From: "Dave Roy" <hist@shaw.ca>

>Tid Bits -
>1) Mayweather doesn't get much to do in this episode either.

Shouldn't this be noteworthy when it *doesn't* happen? :-)

Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 10:11:47
From: "NoRemorse" <thebummer@hotmail.com>

> 4) So, what are Cold Stations 1-11 about?

The first 10 were sabotaged and blown up. Cold Station 11 disappeared 
without a trace. Cold Station 12 is the last remaining of the Cold

Date: on, 8 Nov 2004 10:15:15
From: "Timo S Saloniemi" <tsalonie@cc.hut.fi>

>Tid Bits -

>3) 20th century white jackets and ties are still the norm for 22nd
>century scientists.

Might have something to do with their research subject. We do know
that 20th century ties went out of fashion in the early 21st century,
replaced by the "Past Tense" style of more bow-like ornaments. Perhaps
these scientists reuse the Nazi clothing from three episodes past
they feel a spiritual connection with Mengele? :)

>4) So, what are Cold Stations 1-11 about?

Dumping grounds for all sorts of embryos that cannot be ethically
incubated but by 22nd century standards cannot be killed, either? 
Freezing of corpses was a fashion in the late 20th century, but was 
scorned later on, as we learn in "The Neutral Zone". We could assume 
the freezing of ova, sperm or embryos was also discontinued later as 
unethical, but left us with huge stocks of ethically problematic
already frozen. Those need not all be Augments in the freezers:
of seriously ill individuals might also be deemed unethical, or there 
could be legal problems with embryos frozen for assorted criminal

Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 09:40:34
From: "Michael Johnson" <myaddy@san.rr.com>

>Synopsis: Arik Soong leads his band of Augments to a medical facility
>where hundreds of genetically enhanced embryos are still stored,
>intending to retrieve them and bring them to life.

And hey... you have to give kudos to the knock-down drag out fight TOS
style. Now they just need to pull in some of the old chew-the-walls



MJC Trek Reviews