Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 19:00:00
From: Barry Margolin" <>> 5) Hoshi has seven Klingon dialects programmed into the universal
> translator. The "7" keeps consistency with ongoing Trek themes!
But it still can't translate "K'Plah" into English.
Reminds me of a nit I have with Farscape. The characters have all been
injected with nanites that automatically translate for them, and we're
hearing what they understand. But the translators are mysteriously
unable to translate time periods (cycles and arns) and curses (frell).
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 19:05:59
From: "Al Smith"> Malik's surprise last ditch appearance on the Enterprise
> was just a cheesy flick that many have already seen with endless
> horror mediocre clichés. That scene could have been cut out all
> together, although seeing Archer shoot a hole in Malik's gut was a bit
> cool.
I kind of wanted Malik to gasp out, "But mine is the superior
intellect," before he died.
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 19:07:11
From: "Timo S Saloniemi" <>
>Tid Bits -
>2) SS Botany Bay is considered a myth.
Which is a bit funny, because one would suppose Kirk would remember such
a myth better than he does the facts in "Space Seed". Myths and legends
like "Mary Celeste" or "Chaleuche" live long, and have been known to
survive to Picard's era, so why would "Botany Bay" not have made it to
>6) The Briar Patch gets referenced.
...As being the same as Klach D'kel Brakt, the place where Klingons
Romulans in the 2270s. This opens interesting possibilities.
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 19:07:50
From: "paul haine" <>>4) Archer foils the Klingons again.
I thought that this episode was actually going to lead into the
war that was supposed to have happened. A successful poisoning of the
colony by humans would have been a perfect excuse for war...
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 19:09:15
From: "Willcox"> It was good to see a small scene of T'Pol and Tripp trying to discuss
> T'Pol's recent marriage.
What were they thinking? Jealous writers wanted to knock Jolene Blalock
down a peg or two in her standing as a sex idol? What TV series EVER
marries off it's main sex idol?? In most TV shows they don't even want
you to know that the actor is married. They cut the T'Pol character in
half, imho. Really dumb.
> However much longer Soong has to stay in prison, these events seem to
> have triggered the idea of cybernetics and artificial intelligence as
> the way to go for him. Everyone can just fast forward to the 24th
> century to see how that turns out.
This was a real sloppy way of tying it in to TNG. It would have worked
much better if Soong had been given some robots to work on rather than
making some incredibly egotistical statement.
> Overall, this three part story arc was well done. It looks like Star
> Trek creativity is still alive and well.
The writing sucks. They need new writers.
> 5) Hoshi has seven Klingon dialects programmed into the universal
> translator.
How did the Klingon got a Klingon word past the translator?
And faking a Klingon warship signature is absurd. Archer bluffed his way
past the captain of a Klingon warship like he was some half-wit private
on guard duty. Plus warships communicate between each other with
military level encryption, not something Hoshi could crack or
impersonate. They might get away with impersonating a freighter, but a
warship? Not without taking over the warship. Give me a break. This
writer HAS NO CLUE.
> 6) The Briar Patch gets referenced.
It's like this writer is just slapping together bits and pieces from
different shows, but not thinkiing things through, so the pieces don't
quite fit :o/ no imagination, no talent writers. I've seen cartoons that
made more sense.
> 7) Who was that female blonde hottie on the bridge?
That's my wife. Say away ;oD
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 00:35:26
From: Mithril1960@a...>Overall, this three part story arc was well done. It looks like >Star
>Trek creativity is still alive and well.
More like back from the vacation it's been on for most of the last
years (Cogenitor and Carbon Creek, plus the Andorian episodes among
exceptions to this wisecrack).