Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:19:20
From: "David Johnston" <>>Tid Bits -
>1) Mayweather gets to do some combat flying.
>2) Soval gets tortured.
>3) Apparently, all Vulcans can speak English fluently.
Or, more likely, Archer and Trip can speak Vulcan.
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:19:45
From: "Gerald Meazell" <>>4) Archer does the Vulcan nerve pinch.
Don't you think Vulcan military uniforms would have a plastic piece
covering the "pinch-spot" to keep this sort of thing from happening? I
know it would ruin the story but since boys in little league are
required to wear cups, you'd think the Vulcans would have thought of
Date: 12/05/04 20:24:34
From: "Dacaria" <dacaria@a...><<It's interesting how there was a "looking after each other" thing
going on between T'Pol and Archer. T'Pol was constantly worried about
Archer's physical and mental health. When T'Pol was captured, Archer
felt that it was more important to rescue his fellow shipmate than to
pursue this journey to the Vulcan capitol. Perhaps subconsciously,
there was still a "thing" going on between them.>>
--This isn't the first time this is noticed. There's always been a
closeness there. Remember the episode (can't remember the name) with
alternate future when Archer lost his long term memory, T'Pol stayed
him his entire life, just repeating his life to him. Not to mention
she was removed from High Command, he came to her defense. At first I
thought perhaps they would have put them together, but in the end I'm
they didn't. He's the captain, and she's second in command. I like
how T
Pol and Archer's relationship are developing like that of Janeway and
a lifelong friendship.
<<It was a bit surprising to see T'Pol's husband let her out of the
arranged marriage at the end. Not only that, he was the one that
helped Archer beam into the High Command center. If Koss makes another
appearance, perhaps he will turn out to be a much better character
than what had been portrayed earlier in 'Home'.>>
-- I'm not surprised, it was the logical thing to do considering
T'Pol didn
t love him and the contract ended with her mother's death. That and
fact that it is more than obvious that he loves her and is willing to
sacrifice his happiness to make her happy. What could make her happy
helping her and her crew and releasing her from an ill-fated
marriage. This
shows that his love for her has grown where in the beginning he
her to marry him and now he is willing to give her up. This was a
nice way
to end the T'Pol marriage arc.
<<Seeing the Kir'Shara being displayed was spectacular. Seek (or
display) the truth and the truth really will enlighten you. One might
wonder if the real original writings of the old and new testament were
ever discovered and revealed to the western world, how that might
change society?>>
--The Catholic Church may never let this happen, they will lose too
power. (V'Las's vice grip on the high command's power is a prime
Don't mean to offend, I'm catholic and still realize that there is
more to
spiritual teachings than what the Vatican has released.
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 18:23:57
From: "mouse1701" <mouse1701@s...>did anyone notice that the vulcan who removed surak's katra from
once in TOS the enterprise incident he played subcommander TAL
to the
female romulan commander
Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 11:55 pm
From: Tmesis Grok <tmesisgrok@y...>I was surprised as well that Koss anulled their
marriage. Interestingly, it seemed that it wasn't so
much an anullment or a divorce as Koss simply saying
he no longer wanted it, which might be an odd aspect
to Vulcan marriages.
Comparing V'Las to Bush, however, is quite a stretch,
and has just about as much merit as saying the Xindi
attack was supposed to be like 9/11. I just don't
think it was.
The Romulan connection also caught me by surprise.
Besides a reference to the TNG episode with Spock, it
also gives us a possible glimpse towards how the
Romulan War might start. It will be interesting to see
how that's played out in later episodes.
If I'm not mistaken, after this we get an episode
about the inventor of the transporter... I'm looking
forward to that one.
Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 9:30 pm
From: "Aknar" <aknar_1999@y...>I was shocked by Sharan and his actions, for as much respect as he
had earned in previous episodes, he just threw it all away because of
his doubt. I now have a new found respect and admiration for the
Vulcan ambassador.
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 10:28:27
From: "Joker"MJC> Synopsis: Archer, T'Pol and T'Pau attempt to bring the Kir'Shara -
MJC> artifact believed to contain Surak's original writings - to the
MJC> capital, as the NX-01 gets involved in a Vulcan-Andorian military
MJC> clash.
MJC> MJC Review:
MJC> The Drama -
MJC> It's ironic that after almost all of his life dealing with stubborn
MJC> Vulcans, Archer sets out on a quest to bring the true meanings of
MJC> Surak's teachings to all of Vulcan. Throughout most of his life,
MJC> Archer has perceived the Vulcans as holding back humans in their
MJC> for knowledge and exploration. What a turnaround in perception a
MJC> would bring for Archer! It became clear that his motives weren't
MJC> for Vulcan out of the goodness of his heart. He knew that the
MJC> fate would also have consequences for earth as well.
Archer is just like any other Star Trek Captain and likes to step in and
help out. I did nt find it a huge leap that he would try to keep the
Vulcans out of a civil war even if the outcome would not affect earth.
MJC> It's interesting how there was a "looking after each other" thing
MJC> going on between T'Pol and Archer. T'Pol was constantly worried
MJC> Archer's physical and mental health. When T'Pol was captured,
MJC> felt that it was more important to rescue his fellow shipmate than
MJC> pursue this journey to the Vulcan capitol. Perhaps subconsciously,
MJC> there was still a "thing" going on between them.
It is really hard to tell which way they want to go with T'Pol - Trip or
Archer. I suppose now it is open for a little triangle action.
MJC> It was a bit surprising to see T'Pol's husband let her out of the
MJC> arranged marriage at the end. Not only that, he was the one that
MJC> helped Archer beam into the High Command center. If Koss makes
MJC> appearance, perhaps he will turn out to be a much better character
MJC> than what had been portrayed earlier in 'Home'.
MJC> Shran and Soval came head-to-head and the outcome was quite
MJC> interesting. At first neither really trusted one another. Shran
MJC> suspicious from the very start of Soval's invasion warning. Having
MJC> Soval mentally tortured was a bit extreme by Shran, but the after
MJC> affects resulted in more trust and respect for the two. Watching
MJC> get emotional during his "interrogation" was a bit entertaining,
MJC> Soval actually comes out has a real winner in this story arc. The
MJC> combination of good acting by Graham and smooth writing made Soval
MJC> from being an adversary to humans to being a revered and
MJC> Vulcan character.
It now appears his character has been one of an overprotective father
than the green blood who just wants to keep the earth man down. And
that dude is intense! He is more paranoid than my tax teacher and she
MJC> The climax for V'Las came to focus in this final three part story
MJC> He was more than every determined to carry out his (or others)
MJC> at all cost, even in the face of turmoil. It was quite clever how
MJC> used logic to manipulate the high command and other Vulcans into
MJC> following his lead. V'Las's claim (based on flimsy intelligence)
MJC> the Andorians planning on building weapons of mass destruction
MJC> from Xindi technology to attack Vulcan was a bit analogous to
MJC> events with Bush WMD claims and attacking Iraq. The way the
MJC> was presented was a bit humorous. Foxworth did an excellent job at
MJC> Portraying V'Las. The battle scene special effects between the
MJC> Andorian and Vulcan ships were cool. Enterprise and Trip get to
MJC> their part in the battle and help save the day.
I was drawing the same conclusions with the US invasion as well. Maybe
is bing controlled by the break-off Atlanteans.
MJC> Seeing the Kir'Shara being displayed was spectacular. Seek (or
MJC> display) the truth and the truth really will enlighten you. One
MJC> wonder if the real original writings of the old and new testament
MJC> ever discovered and revealed to the western world, how that might
MJC> change society?
Probably not. No matter how you presented the scriptures and how many
"proofs" you have, it comes down to faith in a being you can not see.
better anaolgy is comparing Surak with Budda or Confucious. Surak never
spoke of religion the way we do, it is more a philosophy.
MJC> The Romulan connection with V'Las at the end was a good tie-in to
MJC> upcoming Andorian story arcs next year. It was a bit illogical to
MJC> assume that V'Las was just bad on his own and some how magically
MJC> turning Vulcan into a militaristic state. Kudos go to Cato and the
MJC> rest of the creative staff for using the mischaracterizations of
MJC> Vulcans in the previous Enterprise seasons to make a great three
MJC> story arc on Vulcans and presenting them how they should be! There
MJC> were many classic trek elements in this story arc that made it
MJC> enjoyable to watch.
It ALL make sense now. The bad writting and or acting has been
and now we have answers. I sure hope Enterprise gets a few more seasons
iron out the beginning. The new writers are doing a fantastic job.
MJC> Tid Bits -
MJC> 1) Mayweather gets to do some combat flying.
MJC> 2) Soval gets tortured.
MJC> 3) Apparently, all Vulcans can speak English fluently.
Vulcans and Humans have know each other for so long, the UT should have
down by now.
MJC> 4) Archer does the Vulcan nerve pinch.
MJC> 5) Trip gets to play captain.
MJC> 6) T'Pau cures T'Pol's "stigma".
MJC> 7) Where has Porthos been this season?
MJC> What it all means -
MJC> Vulcan begins a new era.
MJC> 3 cool peace signs
MJC> MJC 200412.05
MJC> Copyright 2004