What the readers say:


Date: Monday, May 09, 2005 12:06 AM
From: "whodunit" <pillut_48@sbcglobal.net>

> Xenophobic mania has gained more momentum on earth as a result of the

I would just like to point out that "Xenophobic Mania" sounds like a
good name for a rock group. <runs>

Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 01:33:46 +0000
From: ellensatter <ellensatter@hotmail.com>

Well, I certainly got my wish for further Trip/T'Pol developments!

I was a bit miffed when it got to be about 50 minutes into the episode 
and I realized they couldn't possibly wrap it up. If I'd known it 
was "to be continued," I'd've left it in my Tivo til next week.

I was a bit perturbed at the scenes from the next episode - there was 
nothing to indicate that the plot from this episode figures into the 
next one.

MJC Trek Reviews