What the readers say:

These are the Voyages...

Date: Sun May 22, 2005 8:49 pm
From: Edward Hochman<whovian7_2000@Y...>

I want to say that I always liked your reviews.

Date: Sunday, May 22, 2005 9:00 PM
From: "Christmas On Mars"

Way to strike while the iron is hot, dude!

Date: Sunday, May 22, 2005 9:47 PM
From: "ANIM8Rfsk" <ANIM8Rfsk@cox.net>

> The Drama -
> Viewers were treated

Not sure 'treated is the word here . . . :-)

> It was amazing how much detail there was on what these characters did
> and what they were doing during this time period as the technology for
> such recordings were likely not in existence during that era.
> Nonetheless, creative writing

Certainly 'creative writing' isn't the word either :-D

> tends to help improvise such technical
> oversights. The best scenes were that of Riker playing the chef.

Partly because he wasn't in the TNG uniform and didn't scream "I was Riker
20 years ago but don't look like him any more!"

> Perhaps, because the Enterprise series was canceled prematurely. Had
> there been one or two more seasons, then there would have been time to
> show how strong the character bond was present. This would have
> given any character death a much more dramatic meaning.

Not when it's this badly written. THEY didn't care that Trip was dead, so
why should we?

> Needless to
> say, Trip's death made Archer really think about if all this exploring
> stuff just beyond that next world was all worth it. Somehow, Archer
> was able to come to terms and move forward with his speech on
> promoting the alliance. It wasn't clear in the story telling how
> Archer got from A to B with all that had unfolded. Perhaps had the
> final episode been two hours,

Oh, God, no!

> Tid Bits -
> 1) Mayweather is still the pilot.
> 2) Nice sound bits from Picard.

Better one from Kirk!
> 3) Data talks over the intercom.
> 4) Riker is the chef - at least on the holodeck version of Enterprise.
> 5) The Trip/T'Pol romance never really lasted.
> 6) Hoshi reveals her crush.
> 7) If Starfleet is making warp 7 ships now, they'll be making warp 9
> ships before Kirk is even born.

They'll need them to fight those warp capable cloaking Romulans.

> 8) Future Guy was never revealed.

To us, anyway.

> What it all means -
> The Enterprise show has now been accepted into the family of Star Trek
> series.

Not by the fans!

> MJC's final 2-cents thoughts -
> Reviewers log, stardate unknown: As this will be my final review, I
> thought I'd would pass some final comments about the Star Trek series
> in general. I hope many of you have enjoyed this reviews.

In point of fact, I have. More so than the shows themselves in most cases!

> My purpose
> was to keep them short, simple and to the point without a lot of
> babbling. As I have a real job, family, and a real life,

You DO???

What's that like?

Date: Sunday, May 22, 2005 10:20 PM
From: "Joel Polowin" <jpolowin@sympatico.ca>

> Well, I'm not going to cry over spilled
> beer about, but there is one question I still have:
> Where are the restrooms?

Several attempts to answer that question:




Date: Sunday, May 22, 2005 11:12 PM
From: "William December Starr" <wdstarr@panix.com>

> It was not clear what critical role Troi played in Riker's
> decision making other than being the ships counselor, but makeup
> and adjustments to her uniform still made her look attractive.


Date: Monday, May 23, 2005 9:08 AM
From: "Captain Infinity" <Infinity@captaininfinity.us>

>Since the TNG series, it seemed that a Star Trek series really became
>a Star Trek series and accepted by fans once there was at least one
>tie in episode with the original TOS characters. TNG had McCoy in the
>pilot episode and Scotty in 'Relics', DS9 used special effects footage
>in their Trials and Tribble-ations episode to interact with the TOS
>characters, and Voyager had Sulu in 'Flashback

I didn't know that. What season is "Flashback"? Is the episode any

Date: Monday, May 23, 2005 2:31 PM
From: "fruitbat" <fru1tbat@hotmail.com>

> What it all means -
> The Enterprise show has now been accepted into the family of Star
> Trek series.

As IF! Accepted by whom, exactly? Unfortunately, if Trek is ever
revived, I suppose they'll have to treat Enterprise and Voyager as
Canon. With that in mind, one could say Trek was irreversibly damaged
years ago. Maybe what it needs is a good re-imagining, a la Battlestar
Galactica... <runs for cover>

Date: Monday, May 23, 2005 2:42 PM
From: "Bob Flaminio" <bob@flaminio.com>

> Since the TNG series, it seemed that a Star Trek series really became
> a Star Trek series and accepted by fans once there was at least one
> tie in episode with the original TOS characters. TNG had McCoy in the
> pilot episode and Scotty in 'Relics', DS9 used special effects footage
> in their Trials and Tribble-ations episode to interact with the TOS
> characters, and Voyager had Sulu in 'Flashback'. Sadly, there was none
> of that in Enterprise.

I would say the mirror Universe episodes tied in very well with TOS.
Sure, it wasn't Kirk et al., but the TOS-era Defiant looked beautiful in
modern CGI.

Date: Mon May 23, 2005 4:21 pm
From: "David W. Griffin"<carbon_dragon@y...>

Good review. I think Enterprise was aimed in the wrong direction 
from the start. They went overboard to show the "early days" as 
grander than any previous series -- more dangerous -- more exciting -
- etc. But from what we learned about Kirk's Federation's past, 
there were wars, but no Borg and no Xindi. What they should have 
done is get a good group of actors (and the ones they picked weren't 
bad) and concentrated on good stories about the characters and less 
about the Klingons attacking them. I hate to say that because I love 
starship battles, but the series would have been better if they had 
concentrated on the relationships.

The ship shouldn't have been near that powerful. Having a less 
powerful ship would actually have helped them keep the emphasis off 
of combat. They could have stuck to the continuity of the series a 
lot better that way. That would have taken imagination and writing 
talent though.

Fans like me who care about continuity were put off by the countless 
gaffs that couldn't possibly have happened, starting with the NX-01 
being called Enterprise and looking like the Akira. If there HAD 
been an NX-01 Picard would have had a model of it on his wall and 
Kirk would have had a nice portrait of it on his Enterprise. Why not 
make Archer captain of the Horizon, a Daedalus class ship, or some 
other ship name?

Date: Tue May 24, 2005 1:10 am
From: "perinell"<perinell@y...>

It's funny but I pondered the restroom issue earlier today while 
watching TNG.Do you suppose it is engineered into the uniforms.I 
mean, where do you go when your on a strange planet and you don't 
know the customs or what the heck the RR facilities look like.How do 
you tell the boy aliens from the girl aliens pictures on the 
doors.Seems like a reciepe for disaster.Excuse me madame/sir.Could 
be a treaty breaker.Just kidding. Thanks for the review.

Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 7:34 PM
From: "Gerald Meazell" <gerald@jateramortgage.com>

> Viewers were treated with a retrospect view of the last days of
> Enterprise from a TNG perspective. The setting took place during the
> TNG episode 'Pegasus'. Riker was contemplating what to do about the
> secrecy and actions he took back then and how to deal with them. For
> some strange reason, running a holodeck program of the pre-federation
> Enterprise seemed an appropriate setting for him to decide what to do.
> As Riker played both as a crew member and as an observer, viewers got
> to see Archer and gang contemplate the decommissioning of Enterprise.
> It was amazing how much detail there was on what these characters did
> and what they were doing during this time period as the technology for
> such recordings were likely not in existence during that era.

TOS tie-in: it was the Talosians.......

MJC Trek Reviews