Strange New World, Prod#ST:ENT 104

Synopsis: Crew members become infected with hallucinogenics.

MJC Review:

The Drama -

'A-camping we will go, a camping we will go, hi-ho a marry-o a camping we will go' - Like the previous episode, Fight or Flight, this one was pretty much boring for the first half of the show - "Help! I'm stuck on a scary planet full of drugs and we're in a dark and lonely cave". Kind of lame. The latter half of the show was more interesting. We finally get to see some really intense character interaction as they deal with a stressful, unknown situation. The Tucker and T'Pol conflict was most interesting. Tucker just about lost it. I thought for sure that he was about to "slice in two" T'Pol. Tucker certainly has some deep hatred feelings about Vulcans. I'm not sure what to make of his rock people hallucinations. Maybe he's been watching too many 20th century sci-fi shows. We got to see T'Pol's Vulcan discipline put to the test, as well. Even with all that vulcan logic conditioning, she was beginning to slip up. Who knows?  Given enough time, she might have eaten everyone. Mayweather definitely does not get out (as in off a ship) enough. Exploring around the planet was definitely uncomfortable for him. Not exactly like walking around ship nacelles. He does tell good camping stories. Everyone, except for T'Pol (obviously), was caught up in his dramatic scary story. At least they all didn't start singing Row-Row-Row-Your-Boat. Not a bad plot for the crews first strange new world encounter. I'll bet they'll have some serious head-aches after they've fully recovered from the hullucigens. Tylenol please!

Tid Bits -

Finally, after weeks of space travel, Porthos gets his dog walk! Long time for a dog to "hold it in". Wonder if he christened a rock or a tree? For once, the expendable crew member(s) don't die. Then again, there were no red shirts. You'd think with a ship orbiting the planet that they would be able to detect a large storm moving in before it caught the landing party off guard! Oh well, I guess sci-fi writing can't always be perfect.

What it all means -

"Challenge your preconceptions or they'll challenge you."

3 cool peace signs

MJC 200110.12