Unexpected, Prod#ST:ENT 105

Synopsis: Trip is impregnated with an alien baby.

MJC Review:

The Drama -

Well, the story was a great idea, but the writing showed signs of only being half-way thought through. Trinneer did do some good acting on being a pregnant male, but I strongly feel that there should have been more of a dramatic focus on Tucker's feelings and emotions has he went through the pregnancy. After all, this IS his child! Where's the parental instinct? Where's the extreme protectiveness? Where's the real "motherhood" in all this? I guess only a parent would think of these things. Does anyone know if Berman and Braga have kids? Oh, wait! They're still kids. ;) Yes, there was some or rather a small amount of drama (and done too fast) on these subjects, but the story definitely needed a lot more work. There were some good things worth mentioning. Tucker's initial reaction after his first decompression was funny. He was like - "Hey, How-yu do'n folks? Whoa!". The attraction scenes between the alien female and Tucker were good, especially in the holodeck. The alien female was definitely setting up some romantic settings for Tucker. One could tell that there were "sparks" between the two on them. I'm not sure if the Klingons really added anything worthwhile to the plot. There could have been any bad alien playing the part and the same thing would have happened. The writers should only use Klingons were they are needed. Like when their ships get blown up! I guess this story would have been a lot better if it had some writing input from a mother. One who has definitely been through the motherhood-pregnant syndrome. The story line had the potential for being a really great show. It just needed more time and thought put into it.

Tid Bits -

I guess the lady viewers liked the weightless shower scene of Archer. Where's the soap?   Personally, I'd prefer T'Pol.  Do Vulcans take showers anyway?  Couldn't the writers have come up with a different kind of ship for these early pre-federation Klingons. Must have been a small pre-D7 class ship. I thought that Klingon ships didn't have torpedoes till the first Star Trek movie? So much for consistency. Having a ship that grows your own food on the wall was neat. Can I get that to go?

What it all means -

"Dad, mom....I'm pregnant."

2 cool peace signs
MJC 200110.20