The Andorian Incident, Prod#ST:ENT 107
Synopsis: Archer and his crew encounter hostile, paranoid aliens when they visit a Vulcan
MJC Review:
The Drama -
This was a show with high expectations only to have low results. I really expect there to
be some real contrasting drama between the Vulcans and the Andorians. There was a little
bit of that, but no where near what was expected. About 90% of the show was boring. I kept
asking myself, "How many times is Archer going to be beaten? How long are they going
to drag out this hostage scene? Please Scotty, beam me up and get me out of this menagerie!".
There were some good references on Vulcan culture. It does make a good base for
further character exploration into the Vulcan society. Keep in mind though that even
during TOS times, Vulcan "mysticism" is still largely unknown to humans. I
thought that scenes where Archer and gang discovered what the Vulcans were really up to
was good, though a bit predictable. Vulcan "spying" is a little out of
character. The writers should have done a bit more work to make it more believable. After
all, Vulcans will do what is logical - even kill. I'd say that in the end, at least the
humans haven't made the Andorians enemies. There is some frame-work in this story for
future "founding of the Federation" story themes. For the most part,
Archer has kept things in "check" between the Andorians and Vulcans. Any
follow-up episode on this episode theme should have more action/adventure and be well
though out.
Tid Bits -
I think I liked the Andorian makeup from TOS better. They looked more "Andorian"
then, although I do like the moving antenna in this episode. I wonder if the Andorians
like prune juice? That was a good scene when T'Pol took the blanket away from Archer -
just like a women. ;) I guess everyone had instant universal translators this time.
Noticed how the Andorians spoke "English". And every Vulcan does NOT no English,
as well. I guess the writers didn't see a need for Hoshi in this episode.
What it all means -
2 cool peace signs
MJC 200111.03