Breaking the Ice, Prod#ST:ENT 108

Synopsis: Vulcans observe the crew as they encounter an uncharted comet.

MJC Review:

The Drama -

I thought that this was a good in depth character portrayal of T'Pol. We're finally beginning to see pieces of what makes her Vulcan psyche "tic". Marriage can be a scary thing know matter how much one wants to or does not want to go through with it. For T'Pol and the Vulcan culture, marriages have been a bit interesting to say the least. For being a logical race, they do still have an archaic method of arranging marriages. T'Pol's exposure to the humans, during all this time, has opened here eyes to "new ideas", though she may or may not accept them all. This exposure definitely has brought to the surface her "issues" of her arranged marriage. How she dealt with this issue at first was very Vulcan - keep quiet about it, don't discuss it with anyone, go about as if everything was normal. However, this marriage affects her far more personally than one would typically think for a Vulcan. T'Pol even "talks" about it with Trip. Not something I quite expected. Given her Vulcan background, she may have been better off talking to a computer about it. However, talking to Trip does make her realize something far more important - what does she want to do. Like it or not, T'Pol has made a choice. How she lives with it and how her Vulcan race deals with this choice should make for some interesting future stories. Keep in mind that her decision was not one of "emotional" feelings for her, but was rather right in line with IDIC - even the pecan pie. It was logical - totally and flawlessly logical.

Tid Bits -

"...humans have had little interest for me..." - spoken like a true Vulcan. It was funny watching Trip explain how the toilets work. So where's the school kid question about where the restrooms are?? I wonder how Trip got those school kid drawings? Some special sub-space radio transmitter?

What it all means -

"Constant exposure, does result to a certain degree of contamination"

3 cool peace signs
MJC 200111.10