Fortunate Son, Prod#ST:ENT 110

Synopsis: Archer and the crew must intervene when a human freight vessel goes to battle with alien pirates.

MJC Review:

The Drama -

This episode had a lot of good character drama. I was pleased to see a more in depth view of the life aboard a freighter. These people are quite an independent, loyal, and dedicated group. In a way, they are true frontiers-men. Just what earth needs for venturing out into space.  If there's one thing for sure, freighter crew are NOT starfleet crew and vis versa.  It was also good to see more characterization scenes of Mayweather. I had almost forgotten that he had existed in the last few episodes. Mayweather fitt right in with this episode. After all, he was once part of that freighter life, too (born into it you might say). His opinions, thoughts, and actions played important roles in the stories development. Like any good captain, Archer listened to Mayweather's opinions on the situation and understood them, to. Also, like a good captain, Archer gave Mayweather the bottom line on why humans are out here and how they should behave towards other races. Having the Nausicaans there was nice, but I wish there was a bit more characterization to them rather than having them just be the bad guy of the day. I guess any bad guy pirate would do for this episode, but it was nice to see for once, the bad-alien ships of the day were not overpowering for the Enterprise.

Tid Bits -

Geez! With all that gun fire going on, I'm surprised that no one got killed. Kind of reminds me of the A-Team series - "I pitty the fool who boards my ship".

What it all means -

"Humans have a code of behavior, too"

3 cool peace signs
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