Cold Front, Prod#ST:ENT 111

Synopsis: When the Enterprise comes in contact with an alien vessel transporting stargazers to observe a spectacular stellar event, Archer invites them aboard the ship not realizing that Silik, a Suliban enemy, is among them. Archer quickly realizes that Silik is engaged in a nefarious time-travelling mission and must stop him before he can tamper with the course of history.

MJC Review:

The Drama -

Temporal cold front, time travel, and temporal observatories might be too much for 22nd century mind sets, but it does make a good science fiction story. I must say that I was confused and excited at the same time. With all the twisted plots, alterior motivations, and trying to figure out if the bad guy (or guys) was really bad or not would have made anyone's head spin. I guess it all depended on your perspective of "time". On top of all this, there are these monks worshipping their stellar god. I'm surprised that Archer could keep his own head straight with all this time mess - "am I really here?". T'Pol was very Vulcan in this episode. After all, time travel is illogical. Based on what 22nd century Vulcans know, it's probably true. Conclusions are based on facts. As new facts come about, I'm sure that the logic will be reevaluated. I wonder if Archer will ever trust another crew member again. After all, finding out that one of your crewmen (who serves your favorite type of scrammbled eggs) is a time traveler can be a bit of a shocker. The ending had a sense of spookyness to it. The quarters are sealed and I'm sure all events are classified. Hmmm, I wonder what will (or has already) happen next? Who knows, or will know ...or has known depending on your temporal point of view. Good job by the Trek staff on this one.

Tid Bits -

So, Dr. Phlox is into different religions. Wait till he gets a taste of Klingon religious culture. Looks like Porthos can sniff out a suliban, just like a tribble's reaction to Klingons. Must be the stench. Looks like Mayweather likes the "big" chair.

What it all means -

Don't think about it too much. It'll give you a head-ache.

3 cool peace signs
MJC 200112.03