Dear Doctor, Prod#ST:ENT 113

Synopsis: Archer must make a difficult ethical decision.

MJC Review:

The Drama -

Finally! A Phlox episode. At last, we get to see what makes him "tic"  or for at least some very good character development for him which has been long overdue.   This episode focuses on humanities space adventures from Phlox's perspective. One gets an understanding of his thoughts and comments not by his personal logs or indirect dialogs with an imaginary friend (or exotic pet), but by his letter that he has been writing to a colleague. As it turns out, Phlox has a unique keen interest in humans, particularly in entertainment, food, and social interactions (a.k.a. dating). His interests (and doubts) really peaks up when Archer and crew face moral and ethical dilemmas in helping out an alien world. This alien world actually consist of two humanoid species, one evolved and one not so evolved, yet both live in harmony. If Archer saves the evolved race, nothing changes. However, if Archer lets the evolved race die out, then the other race has the potential to grow even greater than their predecessors. Of course, Phlox points out that the genetic illness threatening the evolved race has been natural and suggested that nature should take its course. However, Archer, being the one who wants to save the universe, has strong feelings that he should help those in need, regardless of what nature has been or will be doing. While watching the events unfold, one can actually really "feel" the dilemmas and decisions that face both Phlox and Archer - and one gets all this without a holodeck, just the TV! In the end, Archer helps the dying race, but just enough to ease the pain and suffering. Looks like they are going to have to solve their own problems. After all, "we're not here to play God". This episode was a good example of the ethical sci-fi drama Star Trek has been famous for. A fine job.

Tid Bits -

So the Denobulan marriage consist of three spouses for each spouse, and each of those spouses have three spouses and so forth and so on. Hmmm...kind of adds a new twist to menage a tois.  I still think that Doctor Phlox looks like a mix between a Talaxian and a Cardassian.

What it all means -

"The greatest harm can result from the best intentions."

4 cool peace signs
MJC 200201.25