Shadows of P`Jem, Prod#ST:ENT 114

Synopsis: T'Pol has been ordered by the Vulcan High Command to leave the Enterprise.

MJC Review:

The Drama -

Oh-my-god! T'Pol has been ordered  by the Vulcan high command to leave Enterprise. Oh well. I guess Enterprise won't be worth watching any more. ;) Seriously, this can be both a good and a bad thing. After all, she IS a Vulcan and can be and has been a major s.o.b. to the captain and crew on more than one occasion...well more like on a regular basis. On the other hand, her knowledge and expertise has been invaluable to the ship and crew. Maybe that's just it, with all her Vulcan arrogance, she is part of the crew. Archer was not happy with her orders to leave. He was amazed at how "logical" T'Pol took the whole situation. Well, that's a Vulcan for you. What changed her orders to leave was her act of risking her life for a Vulcan captain (the one who was to take her back). Of course, who was she really trying to save? - the Vulcan captain or Archer?? I guess that's a subject of interpretation. I wish that there were more dramatic scenes dealing with T'Pol's departure orders, especially with her identity crisis. What little there was, seemed a bit to brief and shallow. The scenes with Archer and T'Pol trying to get "untied" was nice. I wonder how many takes it took to get that one just right? Boy!, Trip does not take B.S. He wanted to and did go in blasting and rescue the hostages, despite what the Vulcans or the Chancellor said. It was interesting to see the early history of Coridan for the Enterprise era. It gave some good info as to the history leading up to TOS: Journey to Babel.

Tid Bits -

I'm not sure what to make of this Vulcan "swat" team - highly illogical. I wonder if Vulcans can wiggle their ears like the Andorians do with their antennae? Hey, where's the Klingon captain? At least that's what was listed on the credits at the web site: Stephen Lee as Klingon Captain.

What it all means -

Archer wants T'Pol to stay.

3 cool peace signs
MJC 200202.08