Sleeping Dogs, Prod#ST:ENT 115

Synopsis: Crewmembers are stuck aboard a sinking Klingon ship.

MJC Review:

The Drama -

"Help! We're stuck in a Klingon ship and we can't get out!" Yep, that's how I felt for about 3/4 of the episode - boring! Plus, Hoshi whines again, especially in the Klingons mess hall - just like those bad whining scenes from Fight or Flight. Please! Someone whip that girl into shape!! Well, there may be hope for her. T'Pol has shown her a technique for mental control. As for the rest of the drama, well, ... let me just skip through the boring parts of "we can't figure out how to operate this klingon ship, but the Klingon female was able to steal our shuttle and figure out how to use it just fine". Well, that's what you get when you send a security officer over to try and revive a broken ship instead of the engineer! The last scenes were good. Archer actually studied up a bit on Klingon culture. Maybe on his next Klingon encounter, he'll offer them the head of a Romulan (oops TOS era, but what does Berman care) and a bottle of blood wine. I like how Archer handled the Klingon captain - "take what little honor you have and get the &^%$ out-a here!". So where was Porthos during all this? I guess he was sleeping.

Tid Bits -

In the first scene, Hoshi broke the first rule of handling a hand gun when she handed it to Reed - NEVER point a gun at anyone!!!!....unless they're a Klingon. Since when did Klingons get Bird of Preys (the so-called two klingon ships coming in at high warp)? BOPs weren't established until Star Trek III. Oh well, another BTI (Berman Trek Inconsistency). I wonder why Keating didn't have a "situation" develop in the decontamination scene like Trinneer did in Broken Bow. I guess the censors decided to do away with the "gel" rubbing stuff. Say, that Raptor class ship looks similar to a mini Vor'cha class ship. So much for being creative. It looks like that the network is showing episodes out of order again. The next is is #14.

What it all means -

The humans still have much to learn about Klingons.

2 cool peace signs
MJC 200202.01