Fusion, Prod#ST:ENT 117

Synopsis: A group of atypical Vulcans visiting Enterprise subject T'Pol to uncomfortable new ideas.

MJC Review:

The Drama -

I think I'll give this episode the benefit of the doubt. I can see where the writers were trying to go with this story. It was definitely a great idea, but it seemed to be missing certain "spices" to make it a really great episode. Exploring the "emotional" side of Vulcans has been nothing new. Making it a really good episode from that idea has been "logically" difficult. It has been clear from previous episodes that T'Pol has been having an identity crisis. Being on earth for the last couple of years (plus listening to jazz music) and on a starship full of humans, has exposed her to many emotional issues for her to deal with. Much of these issues have brought into question some of her Vulcan logic doctrine. Oh Well, we all need our cage rattled every once in a while. It lets us know that the universe is full of "curve balls". I'm sure that a good nights meditation will keep T'Pol at ease.....for now. I'm not sure what to make of these "emotional" Vulcans. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I guess it just needed a bit more "logical" work to it. I think that Paramount once tried an extended look into an emotional Vulcan. Wasn't that in Star Trek V: TFF?? Oh well, some people learn from mistakes and some don't. Got milk? I think that the producers should have kept the original title Equilibrium. It seems to reflect more of the story's meaning.

Tid Bits -

It's curious that Vulcans seemed unaware of the Mind meld during the Enterprise era. It seemed well established during TOS (only 100 years from Enterprise's future). And seeing as Vulcans are long lived (200+ years) and slow to change, I doubt that it "caught on" that quickly.

What it all means -

To be or not to be...Vulcan...

3 cool peace signs
MJC 200202.28