Rogue Planet, Prod#ST:ENT 118

Synopsis: While exploring an uncharted planet, Enterprise crew members encounter a group of aliens who are hunting down indigenous creatures for recreation.

MJC Review: 

The Drama -

Hmmm....a little suspense, a little uncertainty, a little spookiness, and a little alien deceptiveness makes an ok episode. However, I kept thinking to myself, what's the point?? So there were hunters that liked to hunt and shapeshifters who liked to shape shift, especially one who liked to appear as an attractive human female. Plus, the planet was always dark (kinda reminds me of my office). All of the good story elements were there, but it just seemed to miss something to tie everything together in order to make it a really great episode. Oh well. Despite what has been previously said, the scenes were well done. I think that Reed got a "kick" out of the hunting technology that was used. The scenes with Archer and the "Wraith" had good drama to it. I liked how Archer kept thinking about the Wraith - "I know you, I just can't remember where..." Good guest actors and acting as well. They really seemed like hunters. It looks like the humans are beginning to understand the right way to interfere. When Archer was faced with the truth as to what the hunters were really hunting, instead of stopping them, he and the gang devised a method of "leveling" the playing field - interfering just enough, but not too much.

Tid Bits - 

I find it strange that in a dark world, plants would develop leaves, let alone have an entire rain forest where there is no sunlight. So much for the science in science fiction. Interesting that they referred to these shapeshifters as wraiths. I think it's too closely related to the Pah-wraiths from DS9. I wonder when the first "trekkie" is going to come out and say: "so was this the home world for the founders?". Not going that direction! So did T'Pol actually participate in the hunters "welcome feast" along with the rest of the Enterprise landing party and eat meat or did she just sit there and look Vulcan-like?

What it all means - 

Does this mean that hunting season is over?

3 cool peace signs 
MJC 200203.23