Oasis, Prod#ST:ENT 120

Synopsis: While exploring a crashed vessel on a desolate planet, the Enterprise crew is haunted by some ghostly figures, and they encounter an alien race that has survived despite insurmountable odds. Trip helps repair their derelict vessel and is befriended by Liana, an attractive humanoid alien who develops feelings for him.

MJC Review: 

The Drama -

Boo! They're on a haunted ship...or are they? Well, that was the mystery to solve. There was definitely some similarities with the DS9 episode Shadowplay. In fact, Shadowplay was mostly done by Odo (played by Rene) and some Dax. Was this a Shadowplay rehash? Well, sort of, kind of, and maybe. One could get technical about it, but it all depends on how the story is written and acted. The acting by Rene was well done, as expected, but I think that the storyline and writing could have been a bit more original. I was disappointed that there weren't more Rene scenes in this episode. What a waste of talent.  It seemed as though that most of the show was almost over before he got to do some of his great acting. His scene in the Captain's quarters was well done. Very moving, indeed. For once, Trip doesn't get pregnant from an alien chick (who looks similar to Kes) he likes. It seemed like he played a bit of the shy type around women. I'm not sure if that's exactly within his character. After all, there has to be at least on Trek character in a series that's the "girl-getter" and I think Trip is the candidate. I think the writers should make him a bit more aggressive around women...except around T'Pol. She just might kick his rear into the next century. My 2-cents suggestion to the producers and writers about having veteran Star Trek actors making guest appearances is that if you use them, use them wisely, well, and with good exposure. They can do an episode well if done correctly.

Tid Bits -

They should have sent Porthos to check out the haunted ship. He should have least been able to tell, or smell, if they were real or not. Except for the rash on their heads, these Kantare aliens looked pretty human to me. Trip thought so for one in particular! So did Archer ever do any trading with that "other" alien at the beginning? If Enterprise is so badly in need of supplies and reparis, why don't they just go home? After all, it's not like they're stuck in the Delta Quadrant. Since when can humans repair holographic technology when they don't supposedly  have it?

What it all means - 

Change is difficult.

3 cool peace signs 
MJC 200204.06