Detained, Prod#ST:ENT 121

Synopsis: While exploring a planet, Archer and Mayweather enter a military zone and are detained in an internment prison by an alien race called Tandarans, who are at war with the Suliban.

MJC Review: 

The Drama -

Not bad. Although, the American Japanese WWII story line has been nothing new to any show, I think that this story version was handled good. There were no major foul-ups or screw-ups to speak of. Being "human", one can't help feel for these Suliban detainees and their situation. As more information was revealed on the Tandarans and their conflict with the aggressive Suliban government, one began to understand (agreeable or not) the Tandaran situation and why they have rounded-up their Suliban citizens.  The episode could have been better, though. It was good to see Mayweather playing a more significant roll. I almost thought that he had been forgotten after Fortunate Son. Boy, what a beating he took from the Tandaran interrogation. Too bad he "broke" and told them what a communicator was. After all, Archer has already gotten his beating from the Andorians. Looks like Archer and gang still have a long way to go before having a Prime Directive. They couldn't help, but interfere and rescue the Suliban detainees. Must be a human weakness. I thought that Stockwell's performance was great. He really had me convinced that he was one tough prison warren - certainly, not anything like his character from Quantum Leap. Although, his handheld pad he kept using was similar to QL. I certainly hope someone has saved some bloopers from the Bakula and Stockwell scenes - "Sam, wake-up! You've leaped 150 years into the future!".  They should have let Stockewell "lose".  He would have been great!  It must of been hard for him to act within the strict confines of Star Trek episode production rules.

Tid Bits -

I guess that it's standard in an alien internment camp for everyone to speak English without their universal translators. Amazing how T'Pol was so willingly to help Archer "interfere". Guess she was having an off day. Looks like Starfleet intelligence information is easy to get - must have some remnants from the USA CIA days.  But who really wants "secrets" from a primitive space faring species anyways??  So did Archer every get his original shuttlepod back? Is anyone keeping track of Enterprises shuttle loses or are they able to just magically make more shuttle vehicles as easy as Voyager did? I noticed that there were special effects for the Tandaran ship firing on Enterprise, but not vis versa - guess we're seeing the affects of the series' budget cuts.  Not only that,  the Tandarans wearing Romulan uniforms.

What it all means - 

Humans still feel the need to help the "oppressed".

3 cool peace signs 
MJC 200204.26