Fallen Hero, Prod#ST:ENT 123

Synopsis: When a Vulcan ambassador is accused of secretive criminal misconduct, Enterprise is asked to transport her back to the Vulcans. Following an attack by a corrupt alien race, T'Pol defends the Ambassador and  asks Archer for his help. Meanwhile, after the Vulcan diplomat boards the Enterprise, alien weapons begin firing from hostile ships.

MJC Review: 

The Drama -

For the first time on this series, we see what Vulcans do best - take some sort of action that seems real stupid, but is highly logical. I found this one to be more "fascinating" than previous Vulcan episodes. I really liked the Vulcan ambassador character V'Lar. She seemed more "alive" than previous Vulcan characters that have been portrayed on Enterprise. She even shakes hands. She certainly seems to have more of a keen interest in humans than most others of her race. Her sacrifice of her ambassador position and seemly ling disgrace was very Vulcan like. After all, corruption in the Mazarite government was great and she had been asked by the Mazarites to help...and help she did. As Vulcan philosophy goes - the needs of the many out way the needs of the few. For Archer, he has a much greater personal task to over come - his mistrust with Vulcans. How can he put so much faith on a mission when he knows so little about it, especially since Vulcans are involved? Although, he eventually learns more about the mission and does all he can to help, I'm not sure if this mission is the "one cure all" for Archer's feelings on the matter. However, perhaps it is a step toward more trustworthiness in the future, especially if good friendships are made.

Tid Bits -

So the Enterprise can do warp 5, just not for very long. Wanna go faster? Just add a some Nitrix Oxide to the injectors. That was a funny scene at the beginning with T'Pol discussing human sexual needs with Archer and Trip! So are the captain and chief engineer getting any?? Guess we'll find out when they get to Risa.

What it all means - 


4 cool peace signs
MJC 200205.10